Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Isolation to Inclusion

"Be  the one who nurtures and builds.   Be the one who has an understanding
and forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people.  Leave people better
than you found them."
Marvin J. Ashton

Reaching out to help a person is not the same action as enabling or rescuing.  When we extend ourselves to assist, we are not promoting helplessness.  To enable a person, we allow them to dodge a responsibility and to rescue someone gives the message they are powerless. If we acknowledge their strength, they will experience ours.

To successfully help, we include lifting spirits and building hope.  We do not take power away, we encourage a person to utilize the power they have with our assistance, until we can step away.  The touch of our hand speaks volumes and kind words builds confidence.  

Using the opportunity to reach out to someone, we can use our skills to change immediate perception.  If someone has fallen, physically or intellectually, they feel foolish and embarrassed.  When we place our concentration on encouragement and minimize the incident, we help the person to move forward.  Touch and kind words move the fallen from isolation to inclusion.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Truth of Experience

"Empathy nurtures widsom.
Apathy cultivates ignorance."
Suzy Kassem

It is the wise one who holds beliefs close to the heart while ears remain open to the thoughts of others.  The wise one believes truth will withstand incoming stimuli.  Truths grow deeper by being exposed to opposition.  Additional information might even shift our own thinking based on freshly educated input.  When we can remain open and flexible, we lessen the chances of becoming ignorant during the passage of time.

It is important to become familiar with topics unfamiliar to us.  We need to be informed as to what we oppose. We educate ourselves, not to change opinion, but to understand the other person's wisdom  based on his or her own experiences.

With an open mind, we listen to the voice of others not needing to agree or disagree.  If we educate ourselves we remain engaged rather than apathetic.  We become ignorant when we falsely believe our way is the only way, and close all other access points.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Be Patient, But Ready!

"Keeping an open mind is the most important step
when learning to listen to divine guidance."
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Questions are important to us and frequently require immediate action.  We cast a prayer out into the Universe and hope for a speedy response.  We may even plead with the Divine to show us what to do, immediately.  As we remain confused and unable to choose, our anxiety clouds our ability to move forward.

Perhaps if we shared in the responsibility by presenting possible solutions, spiritual responses will be more specific. There is a need for us to invest in our own problem solving as we make a plea for resolution. Miracles do happen, but on a day to day basis, I believe the higher realms would prefer our engagement with a plan.

To have a conversation with Divine Spirit broadens our perspective, eases our fear, and helps to create scenarios we can grasp. We find answers while we open our minds and hearts.  This communication with the Universe guides us with inspiration revealed in art, music, nature or a stranger at the store.  Be patient, but be ready!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Not Having The Right ...

"You have to be taught the way of peace, the way of love, the way of nonviolence.      
In the religious sense, in the moral sense, you can say that in the bosom of every human being, 
there is a spark of the divine.  So you don't have the right as a human 
to abuse the spark of the divine in your fellow human being."
John Lewis 

When we recognize the Divine within each other, the gaps between all peoples will narrow.  There will be space for each individual to expand his or her uniqueness without living in fear.  Compassionate experiences will remove blind ignorance and restore respect to all who breathe.

If we no longer search for fear in a stranger's eyes, we will be able to see a spirit shine within signifying the right to be a child of God.  When we choose to listen without judgment, we can at least understand a differing point of view.  Peace can thrive in the midst of diversity.

As each child of God awakens to the spark of the Divine within, it is easier to believe that the same exists in everyone else releasing the necessity for competition or jealousy.  Let us not raise our hand to strike one other, but to salute the God within us all.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Curious About Transition

"...When  you die, the  energy that kept you alive filters into the people
you  loved.   Did you know that?  It's like a fire  you've tended all of 
your life, and the  sparks are all  scattered into the wind ...  That's why 
we survive as long as  we do, because  the people who loved us 
keep us going."

Kevin Brockmeier

I feel sorrow when I ponder the departure from my children and loved ones through death, but I do not fear it.  I am curious about transitioning into another realm where new surroundings depict a higher level of learning with the Divine Universe.  I imagine a great force of loving energy overseeing the unfolding of evolution.  

Relationships have been my abundance and I have deeply invested.  Whether a mother, teacher, witness or bystander, my energy has always freely flowed into the hearts of those I engage.  My lessons have been found in the uniqueness of others and the strength to hold my own.  I have placed a chip of my heart into all I have encountered, selfishly hoping they will carry this part of me with them after I pass.

Life after life intrigues me as I try to shift pieces of the puzzle together.  There is a piece for religion, science, history, memoirs, dreams, and the knowing within my soul.  I look forward to comprehending  how seemingly unrelated experiences gently unite as one.  Anticipation to join the light workers, angels, or ancient spirits as I believe they hold love, energy and light in some form of a grid protecting those who remain behind. Until the truth is known, my creative mind delightfully speculates.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Carried By Water

"Hope is a flowing stream."
Lailah Gifty Akita

I spent hours in a flowing stream, pulled by the current. The ripples moved me forward, gently coaxing me out of stagnant waters. My eyes embraced the trees while my fingers dangled, touching rocks made smooth by water.  The sun peeked down from the sky and kissed my cheeks as moisture glistened upon my skin.

The water cleansed me, washed away my sadness.  It lifted the heaviness from my heart and filled my mind with calm.  I watched the birds as they soared above, filled with beauty like art in the sky.  Tiny creatures scampered to and fro suggesting the need for simple play.   With a light fragrance, the wildflowers swayed as a promise for  a new day.

To be carried by water is a sacred thing, and I am saddened when I arrive at the river's edge.  The tall grass beckoned my feet to crease a new path, to begin life again.  As I moved forward, I carried  hope from the flowing stream, knowing I may never be back again.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Triggered by Fear

"Be conscious when any of your own suppressed emotions
are triggered by the media or by others.  Remember not to
engage in the same negative emotions that are being in the
collective consciousness."
Peggy Black

The media constantly bombards us with scenes of death and violence while shying away from the goodness occurring in the world.  Yes, we must be aware of what is happening, but we must not be led by fear.

Granted, there are destructive people in the world, but when we begin to think we see them on every corner, we are feeding into fear and our reality becomes distorted.  Our own actions become negative and we contribute our energy into the wrong perspective leading to personal, social, and community destruction.

It is far healthier for ourselves, families, and countries to focus on helping each other face the challenges in the world ... hunger, water, disease, shelter, pollution ... the list goes on.  We can begin by filling our hearts with love and shining love onto those surrounding us.  Help where help is needed expanding positive energy not fear. Let our kindness be duplicated by others making our existence filled with peace not hatred and war.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Repeat If Necessary

"We humans have already sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner
we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from others ... an unconscious
competition that underlies all human conflict in the world."
James Redfield
The Celestine Prophecy

Our energy needs to be cleansed just as much as our body.  We absorb numerous energies throughout our day and not all of them are supportive.  We come in contact with others who drain our energy and shift us from strength to weakness.

A colleague in social services would go home every day and shower, washing her body, mind, and spirit free from the challenges of the day.  In the evening, a friend sits in her back yard and breathes in aspects of nature as she listens to the birds.  She states that these simple moments recharge her batteries.

There are numerous ways to revitalize (yoga, meditation, creative expression, nature, reading, music). The difficulty is finding the time and remembering to do so.   Let  our eyes gently close, and imagine the Divine pouring golden light down into your head.  With the mind's eye, see this light flowing down through our body, dripping from finger tips and jetting out of our toes.  Breathe, as peace and calm follows.  Repeat if necessary! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Pristine Perceptions

"Kafka believed that we look at life through a narrow keyhole
of our personal existence and in order to distinguish between 
appearance and reality, we 'must keep the keyhole clean.'" 

Psychological studies show people in an unfamiliar environment will frequently discover a stranger who looks exactly like a friend, doctor or movie star.  When visiting a restaurant for the first time, the diners may mention it reminds them exactly of a different restaurant they had visited a year ago.   The study suggests people do this to make themselves more comfortable in their present situation. 

Unfortunately, this works in reverse as well.  We may be introduced to a perfectly fine young fellow, but he reminds us of an individual who had threatened our safety.  Immediately our guard is put up as our memory is triggering fear.  On a picnic we become nauseated when we are offered potato salad which flashes us back to an incident with food poisoning.  Our sensitivities and thoughts automatically react as they are sifted through our personal filters.

As we create a picture in our mind's eye, we need to first clean and then adjust our lens. Take notice of any light or darkness that could distort our view.  Our past experiences are vital, but our ability to see things with fresh eyes increases our ability to engage with pristine perceptions.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Don't Knock It

"The more we engage in activities we enjoy,
the more our lives begin to reflect the enthusiasm
we feel when pursuing them. "
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

A gentleman questioned his intelligent wife's recent obsession with coloring.  Department stores, grocery stores, and drugstores have joined the toy stores and book stores in offering adult coloring books. The variety of subjects for the books are endless while  postcards and note cards  have become available.  

Not only is it difficult to choose the subject of a  coloring book, the interested person has to choose between crayons, markers, gel pens, glitter pens, colored pencils and watercolor paint pencils.   Women of all ages have been dramatically drawn to this form of creative expression.

Art therapy has been offered to children for years, including coloring.  The physical motion with the hand distracts the brain, and emotions surface into expression.  It is an inexpensive outlet that can be  easily utilized (especially when a loud television skips channels from one sport to another).  Coloring offers anyone and outlet to release stress, anxiety, or depression.  It helps shift emotions. Don't knock it until you try it!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Forward to Resolution

"You must let what happens happen.
Everything must be equal in your eyes,
good and evil, beautiful and ugly,
foolish and wise."
Michael Ende
The Neverending Story

A long awaited interview has been cancelled.  We may be tempted to think the worse and take it personally or we can step back and consider possibilities.  The interview was postponed for legitimate reasons which have nothing to do with us or the Universe may be diverting us elsewhere. 

Since the truth is not at our fingertips, we can allow our ego to beat us up or we can maintain a positive attitude. The amount of emotion we choose to invest into a situation determines the emotional depth of the experience.  When we maintain emotional balance, we can entertain best case scenarios.  

When we find ourselves spreading negative news or adding drama, we can be certain we are not aligned. When we detour into deeper levels of reaction, we are distracted from the outcome and prolong the experience. If our energy embraces the situation, we move forward to resolution Life is a never ending story and if we open to creative endings, we may be very surprised!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Where Fear Thrives

"Having eyes, but not seeing beauty;
having ears, but not hearing music;
having minds, but not perceiving truth ...
These are the things to fear ..."
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi

When the subway speeds us through darkness or the airplane jets  through the sky, our minds are still pointed towards preparation for what lays ahead.  We rehearse our presentation, tighten up our speech, and examine our reports unaware of the beauty surrounding us.

Notice the beautiful colors in a woman's coat or wonder about the coin turning in the wrinkled hand of the old man. Speculate about the child who is so endearing to his mother.   Can you glimpse a reflection of the self in the person whose body language screams, "Stay the hell away!"   Those around us reflect how we view our world.  

If our eyes  fall upon isolated souls, we have turned our heart from the sacred beauty dwelling within.  At some point we have lost our sense of appreciation and can no longer view the enchanted parts of life.  It is in this undecorated space where fear thrives without beauty in the heart.

Friday, August 19, 2016

In The Midst of All Three

"Your  hand  opens  and  closes,  opens  and  closes. 
If  it were  always a fist  or  always stretched open,
you  would  be  paralyzed.   Your deepest presence
in  every  small  contracting  and  expanding,  the  two
as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings."
The Essential Rumi

As a trained energy worker, I have great respect for  the ancient beliefs of the Eastern Culture.   What a person needs or what is lacking is often displayed in the energy field.   If we regard the left side of the body as female energy and the right side as masculine, we gain deeper insight.

The feminine side is creative and receiving; whereas, the masculine side is analytical and extending.  Any individual contains both the feminine and masculine sides.  It is advantageous to maintain balance between the two for navigating in life.

The awareness of our multi-sided body allows us to be more masculine (analytical) in some situations  and more feminine (creative) in others.  Flexibility allows us to flow back and forth, preventing the energy from becoming stuck on one side or the other.   Balance facilitates the beauty in the physical, mental, and spiritual.  Ideally, we maintain a balanced combination in the midst of all three.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Words of Kindness

"When kindness comes at the expense of truth,
it is not a kindness worth having."
Rachel Simmons

We are improving with our kindness towards others, but are we keeping it sincere?  It is important to be aware of individual qualities.  When we compliment on a person's uniqueness, it means much more than a random string of niceties.  

Individual recognition resonates when we are spot on with exchanges.  Even with strangers, nailing a singular quality standing out is easier to praise than trying to string insincere words together.  Our words are a gift and the present is perfect when it lasts into the future.

When we are asked an opinion, honesty needs to prevail without harshness or extreme negativity.  To tell someone a deliberate lie is a poor reflection upon our selves.  Even when we share a partial truth, we are not doing our best.  Words carry a vibration which is extended to one other which he or she receives.  Unconsciously or consciously, the frequency impacts the listener.  On some level, the intended energy is felt.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Greater Gift

"I cannot take someone else's pain or rescue them.
I cannot change what they are feeling, patch it up and move along."
Azriel ReShel

The path of life leads us down differing roads to teach us how to live fully.  We make choices and experience the consequences.  We may find a path too lengthy or abruptly ending, or sadly enough at a dead end.  

We may find ourselves in a grassy field strewn with wild flowers or in the middle of a muddy stream.  Nature hones our skills to successfully bloom as we were intended.  We learn to weed, withstand storms, embrace the sun, and breathe in the moon.

With these experiences, it is difficult to watch others struggling  on life's path.  With our compassion we want to circumvent life experience to move them along with less pain, but in the long run, a short cut is not always the best route.  If we remove the boulder from someone's path, the lesson has not been experienced.  To be present while a kindred spirit becomes lost can be the greater gift.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

More To The Story


 "... humans are not made of skin and bone
as much as we are made of stories."
Sue Monk Kidd

The stories we tell ourselves shape our self-image and impact our behavior no matter if the words are fact or fiction.  The anorexic criticizes how fat they are from a singular viewpoint, just as the workaholic believes there will never be enough nor will there ever be a good stopping place which is tunnel vision.

If we do not have a strong sense of who we are the opinions of others alter the telling of our story.   There is the absence of integrity if we do not embrace both our strengths and weaknesses with love. 

As we share our stories, we can easily edit facts by asking if a memory is true. As we recall the situation in detail, we can ask what other elements the story offers.  For example, if the story reflects a poor decision, we can examine what was learned or lost rather than simply judging the event.  There is always more to the story ...

Monday, August 15, 2016

Experience Situations

"You're being someone else, 
and when you return to your own world,
you're going to be slightly changed."
Neil Gaiman
Why Our Future Depends Upon Libraries, Reading and Daydreaming

Brain Pickings Weekly Newsletter offered Neil Gaiman's reflections on the importance of libraries, reading, and imagination.  He believes that through our reading, we become more understanding and insightful about other people, cultures, and life styles.  We fall into the roles of the characters in books and experience situations we might not ever have had otherwise.  Books supply us with an opportunity to change who we are on the surface and at the core.

While television shows us information, reading is experienced inside through our own eyes.  We get pulled into the characters, chaos, and miracles which ultimately impacts our very being.  We expand our compassion and increase our skills forming an eclectic and creative foundation.

After writings (fiction or non-fiction) expose us to the wilderness, science, and technology, we will never be the same.   Reading is about growing ourselves into multiple directions, broadening our connection, and experiencing as Gaiman states: "You learn that everyone else out there is a me as well."

Sunday, August 14, 2016

When We Are Weeping

"Weeping is not the same thing as crying.  It takes
your whole body to weep, and when it's over, you
feel like you don't have any bones left to hold you up."
Sarah Ockler

Extremes are present in our lives such as the distinction between crying and weeping.  Down the emotional slide our cries are wrapped in the knowledge the end will come.    When we are weeping, we do not know if sorrow will ever end.

When we cry, we shed tears of joy, pain or overwhelm; but the moment passes.  We dry our face and return to our routine.  Weeping is a deeper experience, creating emotional chaos, lack of focus and physical exhaustion.  There is no returning to routine as the day will never again be the same.

As we weep, we do not see the setting of the sun nor the rise of the moon.  Days fade into nights and time has lost all meaning.  We have been weakened down to our bones and our perforated heart drips our  life force away.  

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Moving Through Suffering

"And that is the ultimate deliverance from suffering ~
the realization that we can be better people
because of it."
  Marianne  Williamson
Lessons visit us in the form of suffering.  We chose how much we are going to invest in the experience ranging from denial to depression.  There is a teaching woven through the fabric of the challenge.  When we persevere and move through pain with an open heart,  we accumulate new aspects to our existing character and personality.

Transformation is a process altering ego, enhancing life experience, and increasing our ability to be improved human beings.  Upsetting our emotional balance rearranges us into a better sense of inner peace and compassion for ourselves and others.

When we have the courage to step through the fear of pain or suffering, we enhance our relationships;    deepen our connection with the Divine; and face life with a greater sense of self.  Inner peace allows us to travel calmly through life and offer compassion to others facilitating forgiveness and unity.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Open Our Eyes

"The eye with which I see God
is the same one with which
God sees me."
Meister Eckhart

Imagery of the Divine is quite expansive.  It differs between countries, cultures, religions, and even from person to person.  When portrayed in art work, God can take on numerous images and diverse form.  When looking for Divine Spirit, one can embrace music, nature, or silent contemplation.

When our relationship with God is personal, we may think less of an image and more of abilities to listen, understand, respond or convey.  If our Divine is as vast as the sea, our connection depends more upon imaginable abilities  superior from the senses of man, woman, or child.

Creative visualization beckons us into dreamlike realms where structure as we know it fades away.  With guided meditation, we are relaxed to the point veils slip exposing unworldly dimensions.  In the depths of prayer, all of our senses open beyond the Universe.  Experience God in the beating of a heart; breath work; yoga; creative expression; the setting sun or the rising moon; and the whispers in the wind and the roar of the waves. God is ever present if we take the time to open our eyes fully.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Grounded Until We Are Not ...


"Awareness is the power that is concealed
within the present moment."
Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle speaks of the pain body demanding to be fed, fueling drama and discord.  He suggests we focus only on the moment presenting itself to eventually reign in our ego.  When we are triggered by unresolved issues,  the temptation to invest in negativity or theatrics can be overwhelming.  It is an effort to defend our ego and to reflect ourselves as the winner or the person who was right.

With our healthy roots planted providing the sense of being grounded and our shadow selves are 
loved aligning our energies, the smallest memory can snag us from the present moment of tranquility.  We experience the sting of an old wound which propels us into thick mud and frightening darkness.  We are off and running in old patterns or behaviors.

Lightening will strike and in the flash of light, we catch a glimpse of how far we have fallen.  The vibration of the thunder of the reoccurring storm redirects us back towards a healing moment.  We question how we lost our emotions so violently and so quickly, until the answer surfaces.  The teaching is found in the lesson.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Think of One ... Then Two ...

"If you want to change the world, 
make sure that every being that crosses your path
can feel your sincere affection,
your silent and com passive understanding,
your love straight from your heart.
That is the only way you can change the world."
Luis de Santiago  

It is ignorant to believe that as an individual, we can do nothing.  Brilliant minds can experiment with science discovering miraculous ways to combat disease.  Financial wizards can sponsor programs to small businesses. Responsible human beings need to create ways to enhance others.

Each one of us has the ability to generate change on any level we choose.  Across America young entrepreneurs are creating devices to help thousands of others by-passing marketing and competitive conglomerates.  Little children are foregoing birthday parties and giving the money to shelters for additional food.  They are helping both people and animals.  Women are knitting mittens, gloves and scarves to be distributed to parks or after school programs to help those in need.  Thick stocking hats are being crocheted for those under helmets in the military.   

Let us dare not say, "But, what can I do?"  Every member of society can initiate peace by displaying kindness, forgiveness, and gratitude.  We can bend to pick up a piece of litter or recite a prayer or meditate.  We can volunteer or mentor in our communities.  Be creative like the people who began the neighborhood free library boxes or free pantry displays.  Tracy, a friend, started a chalk mailbox for neighbors, young and old,  to draw pictures or share a saying on the sidewalk.   Come on, there are millions of ways to pay it forward!  One.  Just think of one.  Then two ...

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Valley of Change

"Every woman that finally figured out her worth
has picked up her suitcases of pride and 
boarded a flight to freedom,
which landed in the valley of change."
Shannon L. Alder

Dwelling in the valley of change can be heartbreaking and exhausting.  It involves giving up what we know in exchange for what we don't know.  Risk is involved which is difficult as an individual, but when additional family members are added, it can be a game changer.

Releasing comfort or support takes its toll.  One must have a plan as premature actions facilitate failure.  To try the second time becomes even more difficult and harrowing.  At what cost do we seek corrective behavior?  

In the throes of change, momentum builds delivering us to a different kind of safety.  We may not have financial security, but the value of self-respect and piece of mind is incalculable. As we role model integrity and strive to improve we shed our cloak of separation and connect again with our world

Monday, August 8, 2016

Explorer's Mind

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts."
Swami Sivanada

Delve into the moment ready to embrace the unknown, like a child anticipates magic.  With new eyes, experience the spectrum of surroundings.  Be willing to partake in activity with an explorer's mind, releasing preconceived assumptions and expectations.

We get stuck in our critical analysis and walls of protection.  If we are not observant of the present we may entirely miss any change that may occur.  If we can be like the wilting flower, lifting our head to the sunlight to become empowered daily, landscapes shift their hues.

Things do not stay the same if we are willing to surge into the flow with our body, mind, and spirit.  With open minds and compassionate hearts, we begin to discern what has been previously overlooked.  Dismissing previous fears, creative expression moves our spirit forward and stimulates goodness in others.  

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Healthy Roots

"I'm planting a tree to teach me
to gather strength from my 
deepest roots."
Andrea Koehle Jones

A person's roots grow very deeply.  The attachment allows us an element of spreading.   This allows a  person to stretch in differing directions without fear or discomfort.  We are then able to withstand both the sun and the rain.   

Roots offer a sense of security, allowing one to open to the wonders of the world.  The healthier our roots, the more expansive we become and dreams take on dimensions.  We gain better insight into our motivations and intentions of others.  Truth telling gains respect and our integrity flowers.

When the mind is not opened and steeped with diverse knowledge, it can become too narrow or darkly lighted.  Thoughts may become stifled and distort our life experience.  If need be, the mind can decide to gently dig up original roots and replant them in a healthier soil.  Once transplanted, a new beginning can unfold.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Intimacy, (In-To-Me-You-See)

"Even as one part of us seeks to be an individual,
another part longs to restore the safety and comfort
of merging with another."
Gail Sheehy

Merging with another is an intimate movement, but not necessarily sexual.  Intimacy (in-to-me-you-see) can be shared when our defenses lower.  It involves trust and a sense of safety, offered in a comforting way.  

Intimacy can be found in the meeting of the minds or a long awaited hug.  It can be an exchange of lingering eyes caught by an unexpected gaze.  Words strewn across the page can be as stimulating as a love object naked across a bed.  The definition alters from one individual to the next.

Even a hermit experiences the desire to be known through an intimate gesture whether it be a smile or nod of the head.  As human beings we crave the sense of touch whether it is mental, physical or spiritual.  Recognition  reawakens intimate parts of our lovely selves that have been lost or buried for too long.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Vision of the Dreamer

"Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly." 
Langston Hughes

We keep dreams alive by including them on the our list  of  priorities,  not by pushing them to the bottom of our consciousness.  They need to be nurtured and fed.  Editing or polishing increases the measure of a dream.

If we discover ways to keep our dream in the foreground,  we will feel more vital and vibrant.  When we utilize ways to integrate a snippet of this energy into our daily lives, we remain more hopeful.  Cut out pictures from magazines that reflect parts of your dream.  Then arrange them on a board or glue them on paper.  A photo or a post card works as well.  Place this where you will see it every day to remain mindful.

Time and energy need to be invested with your passion, even if it is during a minor part of the day.  When we feel our desires vibrant within, it bolsters our attitude and perspective.  We can carry our dreams into meditation, visualization and prayers.  Dreams rarely come true without the vision of the dreamer.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tempting Fate

"As human beings, we have a tendency to overestimate
our own character strength while underestimating
the power of situations."
Mark Matoussek

Author Mark Matousek is teaching about the Mardi Gras Effect ... placing ourselves in situations, believing we would not alter our character or moral code in the midst of environmental changes.  He places emphasis on the degree we shift not only in appearance but in our expectations as well. 

The news readily reflects panic running rampant through streets of rebellion, and violence  triggered by murderous actions, while participants later question what came over them.  It is referred to as a crowd mentality.  Lives are surprisingly impacted by the swift movement of others.

"I would never do that," is a phrase best not repeated.  It is like tempting fate.  With chin held high and our morality secure, we believe we would never act in a certain way, not ever.  Then it happens to be in our home or to our family or in a personally unrelated scenario.  Random acts of violence then ignite fear within us causing reactions in ways we never imagined.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Treat Them With Respect

"So not only is it becoming increasingly clear that plants and trees are fully capable
of communicating with each other, there's other evidence showing that they can  also send and receive nutrients to one another using somewhat of a giant ecosystem internet."
Understanding The Consciousness of Trees
Expanded Consciousness
Seth M, author of article 7/23/16

Professor Suzanne Simard presented a video explaining how all trees in a forest ecosystem are interconnected.  "The biggest and oldest trees, known as 'mother trees' act as major hubs among the vast network of plant life, directing resources where they're needed in the network."  Apparently there is a fungi that connects two or more plants at the root level.

The article, Understanding The Consciousness of Trees also explained a defense mechanism certain plants have to close parts of themselves off to protect nectar from ants.  Cornell University researchers reflected that sagebrush, for example, "... will release a burst of scents warning other plants of incoming danger."  Shel Silverstein's renowned book, THE GIVING TREE certainly displays the many uses of our lovely trees.

How odd nature would be minus the vast variety of trees providing shelter for humans and animals, beauty in landscapes, and a sense of connection only nature can supply. Trees are far more than a presence in a forest or an example of a metaphor. Trees are alive! Let's treat them with respect.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Beyond Assumptions

"Every morning, I remind myself
I can make the choice to make
myself feel good."

Louise Hay

The importance of monitoring our actions and our thoughts is to become aware of our tendency to automatically judge.  We make decisions without appropriate information and too easily categorize any challenge as a negative experience.  It is important to inquire beyond assumptions and explore what lies beyond whatever is appearing as a deal breaker.

Instead of jumping ahead to determine who is at fault so we can place blame, use the energy to see the connection between personal growth and opportunity.  We advance when we are able to connect the dots between what stands in front of us and what we long to learn.

When we get stuck in our physical, emotional, or spiritual pain, we miss the opportunity to use our challenge to enhance the larger picture of life.  We can choose to look beyond the negative contents to imagine what positive outcomes can be created.  We have choice in deciding how to perceive the unfolding of our lives. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Right to Pause

"Take a mental pause every time you are faced with a decision,
and ask yourself what the potential outcomes might be.  While
you  may not be  able to accurately  predict every scenario, you
will be able to get an idea of which choices will benefit you the most."
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Too often, our yes button is on automatic pilot.  We agree out of obligation, social pressure, or guilt without consideration to reply with a simple no.   Yes and no are of equal value, both reflecting a choice.  Yes is not the 'right' answer making us the good person and neither is no the 'bad' response making us appear in negative light.  

No matter how simple the decision, it is helpful to pause and check in with ourselves, giving our schedules consideration.  The response of no can be laced with fear of disappointment; but, in reality, by saying no we may enable a new person to step up to the plate with a fresh outlook.

When we take pause before committing, we can get a quick glimpse of what is being asked:   quick project; long time commitment; sincere interest; and can my time be better spent in a different area of my life?  Saying yes to multiple small requests can be just as draining as a seemingly large request.  Exercise the personal right of choice, after  indulging in a brief exchange with the heart.