Sunday, August 21, 2016

Forward to Resolution

"You must let what happens happen.
Everything must be equal in your eyes,
good and evil, beautiful and ugly,
foolish and wise."
Michael Ende
The Neverending Story

A long awaited interview has been cancelled.  We may be tempted to think the worse and take it personally or we can step back and consider possibilities.  The interview was postponed for legitimate reasons which have nothing to do with us or the Universe may be diverting us elsewhere. 

Since the truth is not at our fingertips, we can allow our ego to beat us up or we can maintain a positive attitude. The amount of emotion we choose to invest into a situation determines the emotional depth of the experience.  When we maintain emotional balance, we can entertain best case scenarios.  

When we find ourselves spreading negative news or adding drama, we can be certain we are not aligned. When we detour into deeper levels of reaction, we are distracted from the outcome and prolong the experience. If our energy embraces the situation, we move forward to resolution Life is a never ending story and if we open to creative endings, we may be very surprised!

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