Friday, August 5, 2016

Vision of the Dreamer

"Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly." 
Langston Hughes

We keep dreams alive by including them on the our list  of  priorities,  not by pushing them to the bottom of our consciousness.  They need to be nurtured and fed.  Editing or polishing increases the measure of a dream.

If we discover ways to keep our dream in the foreground,  we will feel more vital and vibrant.  When we utilize ways to integrate a snippet of this energy into our daily lives, we remain more hopeful.  Cut out pictures from magazines that reflect parts of your dream.  Then arrange them on a board or glue them on paper.  A photo or a post card works as well.  Place this where you will see it every day to remain mindful.

Time and energy need to be invested with your passion, even if it is during a minor part of the day.  When we feel our desires vibrant within, it bolsters our attitude and perspective.  We can carry our dreams into meditation, visualization and prayers.  Dreams rarely come true without the vision of the dreamer.

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