Thursday, August 25, 2016

Triggered by Fear

"Be conscious when any of your own suppressed emotions
are triggered by the media or by others.  Remember not to
engage in the same negative emotions that are being in the
collective consciousness."
Peggy Black

The media constantly bombards us with scenes of death and violence while shying away from the goodness occurring in the world.  Yes, we must be aware of what is happening, but we must not be led by fear.

Granted, there are destructive people in the world, but when we begin to think we see them on every corner, we are feeding into fear and our reality becomes distorted.  Our own actions become negative and we contribute our energy into the wrong perspective leading to personal, social, and community destruction.

It is far healthier for ourselves, families, and countries to focus on helping each other face the challenges in the world ... hunger, water, disease, shelter, pollution ... the list goes on.  We can begin by filling our hearts with love and shining love onto those surrounding us.  Help where help is needed expanding positive energy not fear. Let our kindness be duplicated by others making our existence filled with peace not hatred and war.

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