Saturday, August 27, 2016

Curious About Transition

"...When  you die, the  energy that kept you alive filters into the people
you  loved.   Did you know that?  It's like a fire  you've tended all of 
your life, and the  sparks are all  scattered into the wind ...  That's why 
we survive as long as  we do, because  the people who loved us 
keep us going."

Kevin Brockmeier

I feel sorrow when I ponder the departure from my children and loved ones through death, but I do not fear it.  I am curious about transitioning into another realm where new surroundings depict a higher level of learning with the Divine Universe.  I imagine a great force of loving energy overseeing the unfolding of evolution.  

Relationships have been my abundance and I have deeply invested.  Whether a mother, teacher, witness or bystander, my energy has always freely flowed into the hearts of those I engage.  My lessons have been found in the uniqueness of others and the strength to hold my own.  I have placed a chip of my heart into all I have encountered, selfishly hoping they will carry this part of me with them after I pass.

Life after life intrigues me as I try to shift pieces of the puzzle together.  There is a piece for religion, science, history, memoirs, dreams, and the knowing within my soul.  I look forward to comprehending  how seemingly unrelated experiences gently unite as one.  Anticipation to join the light workers, angels, or ancient spirits as I believe they hold love, energy and light in some form of a grid protecting those who remain behind. Until the truth is known, my creative mind delightfully speculates.

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