Sunday, January 31, 2016

Thief Without Consent

"Nobody can steal my inner beauty, 
tranquility and peace
without my consent."

Debasish Mridha

The thief arrived in the day time and no one expected a crime in the light.  His appearance was warm and appealing, no mask pulled down over his face.  One might drop their guard with this friendly stranger, and  be totally unaware as he silently crawls into a small opening of an already cracked heart.  The radiance of his personality distracts from the squeezing discomfort now spreading throughout.  His light so brightly shining, the victim is unaware of one's personal flame being quietly blown out.

As the sun sets with all of its glory, and darkness blankets this time and space, the thief is already securely in place.  He is tap dancing so fast, eyes cannot be drawn to where his hands are placed.  Everything he touches is chained with no escape, and still the other, though growing weak, cannot speak.

By sunrise, the thief is well on his way, invigorated by his theft.  He has shattered the broken heart, stealing the last of the worth  precariously in place and the victim's silence was never meant as consent.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Stimulating Adventure

"The identity you're craving for is an illusion;
your true nature has no identity, 
you're the universe ~
you contain all things!" 
Aniekee Tochukwu

Jean Houston made a presentation in Chicago,  emphasizing the need to return to the qualities of the Renaissance.  This was at least 15 years ago and the essence of her words remain vibrant in my head:  We do not all learn the same way and we do not all express ourselves with identical communication.  She remarked how a Renaissance  teacher nourishes the many talents of the student rather than forcing students to learn in the teacher's one singular way.  Math can be learned in Music, just as history can be taught through literature.  Some beginners respond to visual whereas others may need to touch or feel.

We are all multi-sided and yet we stream line our talents, squeeze into a category, and project a singular identity ... artist, priest, author, lawyer, doctor, etc... while down playing other strengths, passions or desires.  It is no wonder people become bored, restless, and unsatisfied with life time goals that ultimately do not fulfill.

There is a need to dig deeply into our selves as a singular quest, not influenced by outsiders.  We can take inventory and as our many gifts are recognized we can feel our confidence expand.  Throughout the years, we can feel prepared to address diverse situations and to be flexible with our challenges.  We can relate to our world through various avenues, making life a stimulating adventure instead of a routine course.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Creative Parts of My Self

Creativity expands the mind, stretches it beyond ordinary human comprehension, 
resulting in the mind being elastic and capable of 
transcending and discerning complex ideas."   
Michael Bassey Johnson
The Infinity Sign

In bed for the night with a full and grateful heart.  It feels like I am opening to a new aspect of myself  ... exciting, adventurous and creative!  As I release pain and old patterns, I have more room for the Divine. I have cleansed rooms with sage and recreated each one, building a more supportive environment.

The living room highlight is the fireplace where I find myself coloring, reading, and just staring out the window at the welcoming trees in the yard.  Even in the kitchen I have strategically placed an aging book shelf to hold my water color paints, brushes, and calligraphy pens.  The bathroom is filled with healthy plants and stained glass to support this sense of coming alive.  My bedroom is filled with dream journals, inspired writings, low lighting and candles.  I have favorite comforters, thriving plants and a plethora of pillows.   Then my darkened den is for writing and energy work, both supporting each other.  It is a reverent space for meditation, contemplation and prayer.

Every room is representing a diverse part of myself,  eager to stretch and grow.  My body, mind, and spirit are brimming with imagination!  There is a fullness within bringing me joy to finally be me without dark and wounded gaping holes.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Listener and The Speaker

"The most important thing in communication is hearing
what isn't being said.  The art of reading between the lines
is a life long quest of the wise."
Shannon L. Adler

Conversations can be like playing dodge ball.  You kick a subject or a ball over to the other person, and in return they kick an entirely different subject or ball back to you.  This of course is a distraction from your train of thought and the other person's attempt to control the conversation.

Well intentioned, we ask a person how they are doing and they reply with information about a new car they just saw.  This is a coping skill to maintain a wall between what they are experiencing internally or emotionally and avoiding personal information.

When we are aware of these superficial conversations, we usually can sense the emotional level of the speaker regardless of the words not being spoken.  To protect themselves, eye contact is deliberately avoided, arms are crossed over the chest,  and endless questions will be volleyed in your direction so attention will be taken off of them.  All of this informs the listener to back off as the speaker is not yet prepared to face whatever is going on.  Respect this and hold them in prayer or light.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Diversity Challenges and Discernment Solidifies

"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day.
It's about the choice to show up and be real.  The choice to be honest.
The choice to let our true selves be seen."

How truly boring if we were all the same!   I don't want to be surrounded by individuals who think, dress, act, and sound just like me.  I want color, lots of color to fill my life, not just one.     I don't want to be correct, I want to be opened by what you think and what you have experienced.  

Teach me what you know.  Tell me what you have never found.  Declare dreams that have unfolded and name the weapon that caused your pain.  Tell me what you have seen and whisper to me what meaning you have found in the sacred. 

When we fall together, embracing our imperfections and respecting conflicting wisdom,  we will each be seen and voices heard.  We will become empowered through our intimacy, not being threatened by what has been falsely imagined throughout the years.  Come, let us create calm together.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rendered Guidance

"Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent as 
a guide from beyond."


The answers to our dreams  do not always appear in the form we imagine.   Prayers for a future  miracle distract a person from all of the simple applications present in the now.  By sitting back and waiting for the Universe to provide, we are not using our own awareness to receive right action.

Whatever we seek and whomever we ask for help, must be followed by an openness to everything around us.  We must be alert for guidance appearing in varying disguises.  Brilliance has come out of the mouths of babes, and remedies formed by following intuition.  Coincidences happen for a reason, if we are alert enough to make the connection.

The Universe or Divine Spirit have many helpers in the physical world who allow themselves to be used by God to assist others.  A stranger may be nudged to make a comment that brightens the world of the listener.  There are our Earth Angels.  Then there are assistants in the non-physical world who help us unseen.  If we ask, we must be open to hearing, feeling, and even touching the rendered guidance coming from the other side.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Action In Reverence

"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness,
to pull another into the light."
Norman B. Rice

In any given moment, we have the opportunity to extend our kindness whether we are a total stranger or a loving friend.  The word help does not automatically mean dishing out money; becoming enmeshed in drama; or crossing boundaries.  Our thoughts about helping others have become mantras of "There's nothing I can do."  This of course is the escape we use to avoid loving kindness.

Loving kindness is not just one thing.  It is unlimited and distributed in ways that resonate with an individual.  If a grocer has unsold food, he can donate it.  If a mechanic notices a car pulled off the road with flashers on, he can assist.  Just as a nurse or doctor can intervene outside of their professional environment.  

More importantly, loving kindness can take the form of a quick prayer, a silently sent word of hope, a simple gesture like a smile, or any simple action in reverence to people, places, and things.  We need to be a light to others using our thoughts, actions, and deeds.  Right here and right now, a simple gesture can alter the world of someone in despair.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Joy, Found in the Moment

"Joy is the happiness that doesn't depend on what happens."

Anticipation can unleash high expectations that will rarely be met.  When the encounter actually occurs, it will often fall short of what we expected.  Whether the experience is with a person, place, book, movie or song, there will be an element of let down.

Avoidance can build extreme resistance to an undesirable action, causing unnecessary dread.  When we finally engage, we are surprised that the opportunity was far less unpleasant than we expected. The build up to the event was worse than the event itself.

The key to either situation whether positive or negative is to stay in the moment, to greet situations as they unfold, and to not have any preconceived expectations.  Without coloring the picture with personal emotions prior to viewing, we have pristine clarity.  In this way, we experience joy in each unfolding moment untainted by expectations.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Nudged to Edit

"Those times of depression tell you that it's either time to get out of the story
you're in and move into a new story, or that you're in the right story
but there's some piece of it you are not living out."
Carol S. Pearson

As authors of our own stories, we can use creative license to adjust occurrences in our lives.  When we are experiencing discomfort and can actually discern the trigger, we have choice as to how we respond.  What would make the story line more tolerable ... using voice, changing environment, or actively seeking replacement?  Things that bother us are trying to get our attention for new adventures or difficult decisions.  In our eagerness to make peace on the surface, we cause disease inside.

When we ignore what bothers us, it simply takes another form.  It may appear as a headache, upset stomach or exhaustion.  Denied emotions do not simply float away.  They become lodged in some other place, prepared to create an even greater disturbance as they are combined together.

Even if we lack the strength to deal with a particular discomfort, just by acknowledging it will bring us a little closer to what action is needed.  When we make a mental note, especially if the same discomfort continues to reappear,  we begin to connect the dots.  A pattern merges and we birth insight into how we are creating our story.  We can acknowledge editing is required to make our lives more aligned with our character.


Friday, January 22, 2016

We Are All Dancers

"Dance is the hidden language of the soul."
Martha Graham

As we expand and contract in this dance of life, we change partners.  Our locations may change or our names may be altered and for some, physical appearances are adjusted.  As the years unfold, there is nothing but change, so it is vitally important to continue our learning new steps with others.

If we learn to embrace other students on the dance floor of life, we learn the differing steps of moving towards acceptance and calm..  We may come together as perfect strangers, but as we extend the steps between partners, we may learn the importance of diversity.

As we move through our day, we do not over look the clumsy, the delicate nor the ill prepared as they all have a practiced routine just waiting to share with us, to assist us to  expand and contract.  We are all dancers who benefit from others and many are waiting to learn our personal style.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Magical Parts

"And suddenly you know:  It's time to start
something new and trust
the magic of beginnings."
Meister Eckhart

Over time,  we are exposed to magical impressions.  Whether it be an ocean view or the stained face of a child, an isolated incident will touch our hearts dearly.  We may quickly forget the magical moment, but it sits waiting inside of us.  It waits for more, and soon it is joined by a disappearing sunset or a moon gliding across the sky.   We hold inside ourselves words or feelings that move us to tears or exceptional deep joy.  Then there is the music, a single lyric repeating itself in our head.  Together, all of these pieces form beauty running through our hearts, minds, and spirits.

The accumulation of magical moments forms a yearning or desire.   There is no need to be a master of any art, it simply requires the focus to express sensations that have decorated our insides with fantasy and flair.  Life seems to enter alignment with our passion or desire and we are urged to take a step forward, bringing our observations out into the world.

When life encourages us to move forward, how shall we proceed?  Will we find our way through prayer, dance or song, music, writing, gardening, sharing out loud, attitude adjustment, embracing the world, trusting the Divine?  If we maintain a  willingness to be guided,  the unknown magical parts of ourselves will unfold.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Door, Open and Waiting

The spirit that moves me's photo.
Elizabeth Lesser and Artwork by Dan-ah-Kim

"The great loneliness, like the loneliness a caterpillar endures when she wraps herself in a silky shroud and begins the long transformation from chrysalis to butterfly.  It seems that we too must go through such a time, when life as we have known it is over _ when being a caterpillar feels somehow false and yet we don't know who we are supposed to become.  All we know is that something bigger is calling us to change.  And though we must make the journey alone, and even if suffering is our only companion, soon enough we will become a butterfly, soon enough we will taste the rapture of being alive."  

Part of life as I have known it has gently closed, and as I turned away, I found a door open and waiting.   The thorns and prickles have fallen away with loneliness and it has been replaced by  simply being alone. In winter's hibernation, I embrace the idea of stitching my wings, preparing
for flight at the onset of spring, no longer  tethered to silent criticism.   I must admit to not being comfortable with the lack of knowing what I shall become, but with all of my senses
I am alive and awake!  

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Simplicity Untouched By The Human Hand

"The Eskimos had fifty-two names for snow
because it was important to them:
there ought to be as many for love."
Margaret Atwood

As I sit in front of the fireplace while looking out at the snow, I feel a sense of purity, innocence, and elegance.  It is inevitable that a bright red cardinal will gracefully perch on a branch for all to see, and  a trusting bunny will leave its footprints across the glistening snow.

I am easily absorbed into this pristine scene, very willing to forget responsibilities, and silently drifting out of  time and space. I hover above the untouched flakes and blend between the snow laden trees.  One clearly feels a majestic presence as it lays down the white blanket covering all that will need to grow.

This is love, the simplicity untouched by the human hand.  Words are not spoken here, only whispers in the silence.   The heart is filled with affection and the willingness to embrace new beginnings.  Reluctantly returning, a sense of trust escorts me with calm back in front of my fireplace.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Swinging ...

"We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves
or more deeply engrossed in anything, than when 
we are at play."
Charles E. Schaefer

Growing up in the city, there were a variety of neighborhood parks.  They each offered something different and one actually had caged animals.  I mostly frequented the smaller park which was always low in attendance.   Never would I have to wait for a turn on the monkey bars or slides; nor was there any one to notice me fall from the top of the slide.

This little park was at least two blocks from my apartment building.  I would ride bikes there with friends or wandered there alone.  I was never frightened there nor was I ever bothered by anyone big or small.  The swings were the vehicles I routinely chose to escape reality.

On a swing I experienced the unattached liberation of disconnect; an altered sense of the world around me;  and plenty of space for imagination.  To place my well padded bottom on the hard board seat,  grip sweaty hands tightly onto the chains, and pump my chubby legs to fly higher, all produced my greatest sense of who I most wanted to be!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Much Brighter Day

"It's not what you say out of your mouth that determines life,
it's what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!"
Robert T. Kiyosaki

The way you talk to your lovely self, is it the way you would talk to a dear friend?  Would you use the same insulting tone with total disregard for worth?  Do you  intend to damage your own spirit?

Amazingly, you easily lavish kind words upon others, even when they are not necessarily deserving.  Why then do you paint your creative self with loathing and disgust?  How is it so easy to judge yourself while you make excuses for others?

Just for today, whisper loving kindness to yourself:

Be patient with me.
Thank you for being strong.
Help me to fill my voice with calm.
Let me see the beauty with in.
Let me feel the acceptance I crave.
Eliminate my self judgments by recognizing strengths.
Embrace me to dissolve this feeling of separateness.
Assist me in using kinder words.

If you do this today, tomorrow will be a much brighter day!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Rain In The Winter

"Let the rain beat upon your head
with liquid drops ... I love the rain."
Langston Hughes

In the winter when the rain is cold and the sun is shinning elsewhere, I feel chilled to the bone. The sky with thick gray blankets stifle my visions of free floating in the sky.  The heaviness in the atmosphere presses upon my head.  I have not always disliked rain. 

I used to walk in the rain with my high school friend, laughing hysterically as we devoured ice cream cones.  On a screened in porch protected from the rain, I watched my little ones play as time enveloped us in love.  The porch swing stacked with pillows and a blanket comforted me as I watched tears falling from the sky.  Dancing in the rain with my grandchild splashed the blues away. 

Rain is a shape shifter, sometimes being a gentle sprinkle in the spring or a thunderous high wind rage.  It can nourish or debilitate.  It can form a gentle flow or expand outside of boundaries.  It can promote growth or death.  Rain in the winter imprisons me inside, waiting for the sun to return to the sky.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Participate In Life

"How we stay in the middle between indulging and repressing 
is by acknowledging whatever arises without judgment, letting the thoughts 
simply dissolve, and then going back to the openness of this very moment."

Pema Chodron

We cannot control what happens during our day, but we do have freedom of choice as to how we respond.  Whether we are caught off guard or routinely exposed to an event, our response determines the length of the experience.  

If we choose to engage in an activity, it will extend the time involved.  If we emotionally react we will be even more deeply entrenched.  If we withdraw and ignore episodes, we are only postponing and complicating the impact.

We avoid drama by not participating in it.  We limit emotional upheaval by not personally investing in every occurrence.   With eyes open, we accept what unfolds as we choose to remain calm.  With loving kindness as our response, we participate in life but not at the expense of peace.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Reconnect In A More Meaningful Way

"Change me Divine Beloved into One who knows
we can evolve and open at any age."

Tosha Silver

When we are beckoned forward to change, a small part of us kicks and screams.  We resist giving up our carefully or carelessly created identity even when we desperately desire to renew. Transformation is not about stepping into a new costume with a matching mask and altered personality.   It is about shedding what no longer resonates with us, and highlighting our strengths to become more authentic.

We enhance latent elements to better support our essence in the world no matter our age.  We reach into our souls and choose aspects of ourselves to navigate our journey more creatively.  This does not mean we all turn into artists!  The intention is to disassemble what we have and reconnect in a more meaningful way.

Improvements can transpire without turning the world upside down.  Visualize how we want to  change and then create a loosely knit plan with graduating steps.  If we do not have an outline to gently unfold, we will become prematurely discouraged.  Proceed slowly asking Divine Spirit to help us on our way.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

More Than Words

"It is only with the heart that one can see clearly.
What is essential is invisible to the eye."
Antoine De Saint-Exupery

The toddler, rubbing sleepy eyes, wanders into the parents bedroom where they happen to be enjoying hot and heavy sex.  The little one sees aggressive behavior and believes the parents are in danger of hurting each other.  The child begins to scream and of course startles the parents.

Our emotional makeup colors what we see.  What we see is interpreted through our personal life experiences.  Ego shifts reality to coincide with its projections.  If we view something horrific that is not within our comprehension, we can freeze with fear.

With the compassion of the heart, we can visualize what is happening without attachment.  We can perceive the actions of others as their behaviors and not judge nor condone.  With an open heart, we can see people desperately struggling to hold his or her mask in place and it is enough to simply be the witness.  The extended love from our heart is a gift to the person offering more than words could ever say. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sacred Lines of Communication

"Remembering to say thank you to our guides and helpers
is important for the completion of the assistance they have given."
Madisyn Taylor

Assistance is always available if we take the time to really listen and await the response.  Guidance comes in many forms and when we adhere to it, there is a chorus of unheard applause.  In our excitement to have received resolution or direction, we must remember to express our gratitude with our thankful hearts. 

A daily connection to what we deem holy is vitally important.  If we use our sacred lines of communication regularly, they remain open and direct.  If we save our thoughts and prayers for emergencies only, we are depriving our lovely selves of on going guidance.

When we maintain a tempo of combined prayers, worship and praise, we are comfortable with the sources available to us.   Appreciation and gratitude strengthens lines of communication and we are less likely to experience feelings of  separateness.  The spiritual exchanges keep us connected. 


Monday, January 11, 2016

World Becomes Holy

"An open heart is a sanctuary 
where all are welcome.
It is a temple where the laws of spirit 
are practiced and celebrated."
Paul Ferrini

We can open the doors of our heart temple to all peoples.  Understanding a person's plight does not require approval or disapproval.  We are primarily called to be present each moment of our day.  Being in the presence of another does not call us to action nor to accept responsibility.  

When our personal connection to the Divine is alive in our heart, compassion burns brightly to attract others. Living life reverently, we can activate the laws of spirit through the simple act of breathing, smiling, or tenderly clasping a hand, as no words are necessary.  We can reflect the impact of  scripture, ritual, and inspiration in every moment no matter where we happen to be.   

Spirit works through us on a daily basis when we open the doors of our inner sanctuaries.  When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable without emotional distractions or drama, we move through our days stepping on sacred ground.  As we integrate the Christ consciousness, the strength of Mary, and the visions of Spirit our entire world becomes holy.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Wily Survivor

"The bear embodies the wisdom of the wild.  She symbolizes 
the intuitive that relies on its own inner experience rather than patterning 
itself on the experience of others. The bear walks a path of her own.  She dares
to question.  And she dares to believe. She fights for her children.  
She is brave and strong, maternal and defiant.
She is a wily survivor."

Joan Borysenko

Lost in a space of nothingness, I reflect upon my existence as a highly intuitive and independent woman. When I travel inner landscapes I process confusion by asking endless questions and defining spiritual beliefs. Although a wily survivor, I no longer need to be brave and defiant to finally experience calm and peaceful living.   

The majority of my life has been experienced as a gregarious extrovert, but as my true nature unfolds, I have become reclusive and private.  I have grown comfortable with being just as I am and no longer feel the call of a spiritual warrior.  

It is as though I have gathered the knowledge from the challenges in my life and while writing my story, I have discovered alternative endings. I have found myself painting loving kindness over my past sorrow, pain, and wounds. My words have turned into messages taking flight into the unknown. Compassion beats in my heart while forgiveness flows through my veins.  

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Second Guessing Truth

"Most of us will do anything 
to avoid facing ourselves."
Lolly Daskal
Thoughts Spoken From The Heart

Unpacking an old box, I discovered a random journal.  I noticed the yellowing of the pages, and the sprawling of my younger penmanship.   Curious, I read deeply into the reflections of my life from twenty-five years ago.

I recognized a pattern in my behavior.  I would state an accurate assessment of a situation, but not apply my insight.  As much as six months later, I would come across the exact same assessment that I had made much earlier.  If I had not avoided my original wisdom, the lesson would have been far less complicated.

The words of trusted friends are easily savored and the knowledge of certain authors becomes gospel truth.  Yet, the quiet whispers of my own soul are required to be harshly repeated before I take heed. It is disappointing to see so clearly written on my page the habit of second guessing my own truths, values, and worthiness.   Precious time is wasted deceiving myself and by avoidance.  To embrace what I know at initial turning points, my journey would be less confusing and more articulate.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Impulsive Act

"Know that the Divine doesn't judge you.
The Divine is filled with nothing but love."
Panache Desai

A long time member of a circle of women, who was a retired professional, asked to share a secret of guilt and shame.  In her young adulthood, she had stolen twenty dollars from her employer.  She sadly admitted she had not acted out of need, but on impulse.  She never figured out a way to disclose her impulsive act and as the years passed, the shame increased.  The kindred spirits of the collective circle were surprised by their esteemed friend's story, but quickly extended forgiveness, and opened to a variety of ways to reconcile her poor choice of long ago.  

At the next gathering, the women learned of their friend's corrective action.  She had located the  now elderly employer and anonymously mailed the twenty dollars plus years of interest.  By addressing her poor deed, she found a way to restore her self-respect.   The circle supported her with compassion and she learned to forgive her foolish actions.   

We are harsh with ourselves until we remember that the Divine offers love, not judgment.  Judgment acts against our healing and compassion eases the heart of the wounded.  As our guilt or shame is lifted, we are able to creatively restore our balance.

***Shared with permission.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Drift Away

"Do you pay visits to yourself?"

We spend more of our time looking outside of our lovely selves than exploring our inner landscapes.  It is no wonder we consider our emotional makeup to be messy or smudged.   It appears to be easier to slap a mask on our face to assure the world we are perfect in every way.  Meanwhile, our unmet yearnings and nagging criticisms drain our energy.

We afford more respect to those around us while our own roots are at risk of decay.  Without a singular loving touch, feelings of isolation stockpile in our heart.  We become depleted as we have made no attempt to nurture our very soul.

Whether in a parked car or steamy shower, take a few seconds to give recognition to the spirit within us.  Catch a glimpse of our blessings and discard images of disarray.  Experience the warm glow of Divine Spirit deep inside before we once again drift away.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jewel At Core

"For none of us should swallow whole the truths of another,
but rather, allow the sharing of those truths to clear a path
and open a dialogue that leads us to our own truth."
Neale Donald Walsch

We are not forced to disregard nor take to heart any information being shared, but each exchange is an opportunity for growth and development.  Knowledge is the catalyst for expansion, moving us deeper into a direction or leading us to a distinct opposite destination.  Movement is the key to truth, challenging and redefining what we think we know.

In our current level of thinking, there are particles of truth we obtained as children.  We may have gathered biased information as elements of truth, and especially if  we were nonverbal without history to base our interpretations.  This is how our truths are shaped and distorted without conscious awareness.

Without examination, our truths become discolored and tainted.  The jewel in our wisdom is discovered once it has been gently examined and refined.  When clarified truth resides at our core,  life is expanded into more than just living.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Emotional Prisons

"A person does not have to behind bars to be a prisoner.
People can be prisoners of their own concept and ideas.
They can be slaves to their own selves."

My confidence does not thrive in the absence of the sun.  Negative thoughts easily pierce through my creativity changing my illuminated colors to mud.  I tend to lose my way when I do not have the sunbeams to follow.  Withdrawing, I become invisible.

Emotions become glorified under the direction of the ego.  They run rampant in every direction imaginable and never towards reality.  Distortion silently slips into my physical body causing my  limbs to stiffen into weary old bones.  Motivation evaporates as my heart turns cold upon the prison  floor.

Sunshine is the key to unlock my prison of emotional darkness.  When the sun gently warms my face, my spirit lifts and my creativity awakens.  My energy begins to bubble and I find an absorbent amount of healthy choices.  Laughter gurgles up from my belly and my feet want to dance to the music streaming in from everything surrounding me.  The sun nurtures me and sets my soul free.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Birth A Dancing Star

"One must still have chaos in oneself 
to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Chaos shakes us out of our complacency, allows unanswered questions to surface, and forcefully invites us to face repressed emotions.  It clings to us until we face our forth coming lesson, learning yet another degree of honesty about ourselves and others.

If there were no discord in our lives, there would be fewer moments of understanding.  We would become satisfied with what we know and fall asleep not tending to our inner glow.  In order for light to shine around the world, each of us must make our flame grow.

When everyone is sharing the light of kindness and compassion, we can reach out to others. Our flames join and we carry them out into the darkness.  Our fire becomes a passion for peace and prosperity for all of humanity.  Together, our labor of love births a dancing star.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Forge Through Weakness

"All the pain that comes with being human can crush our optimism
if we don't work actively to create our own hope."
Zhena Muzyka

A person needs to focus on the positive, to use a wider lens to examine the family tree, and release negative emotions.  Write all feelings down and then burn the paper.  Share disappointments with a trusted friend or professional therapist.  Be thankful the holidays are over so we can return to our every day challenges.

Unfortunately, I am feeling the pain of being human and my optimism is wavering.  Violence and chaos of the world bares down upon me while residue from family gatherings clings to my heart. There is little room for hope to shine brightly enough through my internal darkness.

Today I will be gentle and compassionate with my self.  I will sit by the fire and read the wise words of the enlightened ones.  I will recapture my sense of appreciation and gratitude, and restore my energy into positive vibrations.  I will root my feet down into the crystal core of Mother Earth and stretch my hopes up into the arms of all that is sacred and holy.  Connected, I will let these energies forge through my weaknesses, replacing them with kindness and goodness once again.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sense of Disconnect

"Loving people live in a loving world.
Hostile people live in a hostile world.
Same world."  Wayne W. Dyer

There is so much beauty in our world.  Whether it is the animation on a child's face, the excitement illustrated by a feisty puppy, or the last fragrance of beautiful flowers, love is there.  During the winter, a different kind of beauty projects itself through stillness and cold.  We find ourselves seeing more form without accessories and the many signs of stillness.

When I find myself distanced from positive perceptions, I examine what resource I have let slip away.  I go through my checklist of daily inspirational reading, uplifting writing, extending and giving, and contemplations for fearless living.  It does not take long to recognize my carelessness which explains my sense of disconnect.

My mind can be filled with wisdom, but if I do not shine light upon what spiritually supports me, it doesn't take long for fear to seep in.  It is as though I am holding a powerful flashlight and what I see depends upon where I shine the light.  There is choice as to how we see our world and the observations color our concepts.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Where I Best Belong

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:
it is the time for home."   Edith Sitwell

The first day of the year is one of contemplation for me.  I love to sit in front of the fireplace and feel its warm glow upon my face.  The lights are turned out, but each candle has been lighted with deliberate intention.  I have hot tea, scones, and plenty of water by my side.  Then there is my journal, pen, and a book for inspiration.  I write for a while, read a bit, and then nap waking to record my dream.  This is how I begin the New Year.

I begin to focus on my human, yet spiritual existence.  I briefly glance over the past year, only to take notice of how I have changed.  I give consideration to the forth coming months, but leave the unfolding to the Universe.  My awareness is heavily placed on this particular day, upon this exact fleeting moment.  I allow my physical to drift away and encourage my visions to expand with wisdom.

I seek connection with all that is holy, and to experience bliss without fully understanding.  I melt into the greatness of all peoples, all living things, and precious aspects of life, blending into the light energy that manifests this world.  This brings me to where I best belong, but know my return will be forthcoming, carrying more light for this world.