Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rendered Guidance

"Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent as 
a guide from beyond."


The answers to our dreams  do not always appear in the form we imagine.   Prayers for a future  miracle distract a person from all of the simple applications present in the now.  By sitting back and waiting for the Universe to provide, we are not using our own awareness to receive right action.

Whatever we seek and whomever we ask for help, must be followed by an openness to everything around us.  We must be alert for guidance appearing in varying disguises.  Brilliance has come out of the mouths of babes, and remedies formed by following intuition.  Coincidences happen for a reason, if we are alert enough to make the connection.

The Universe or Divine Spirit have many helpers in the physical world who allow themselves to be used by God to assist others.  A stranger may be nudged to make a comment that brightens the world of the listener.  There are our Earth Angels.  Then there are assistants in the non-physical world who help us unseen.  If we ask, we must be open to hearing, feeling, and even touching the rendered guidance coming from the other side.

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