Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sacred Lines of Communication

"Remembering to say thank you to our guides and helpers
is important for the completion of the assistance they have given."
Madisyn Taylor

Assistance is always available if we take the time to really listen and await the response.  Guidance comes in many forms and when we adhere to it, there is a chorus of unheard applause.  In our excitement to have received resolution or direction, we must remember to express our gratitude with our thankful hearts. 

A daily connection to what we deem holy is vitally important.  If we use our sacred lines of communication regularly, they remain open and direct.  If we save our thoughts and prayers for emergencies only, we are depriving our lovely selves of on going guidance.

When we maintain a tempo of combined prayers, worship and praise, we are comfortable with the sources available to us.   Appreciation and gratitude strengthens lines of communication and we are less likely to experience feelings of  separateness.  The spiritual exchanges keep us connected. 


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