Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jewel At Core

"For none of us should swallow whole the truths of another,
but rather, allow the sharing of those truths to clear a path
and open a dialogue that leads us to our own truth."
Neale Donald Walsch

We are not forced to disregard nor take to heart any information being shared, but each exchange is an opportunity for growth and development.  Knowledge is the catalyst for expansion, moving us deeper into a direction or leading us to a distinct opposite destination.  Movement is the key to truth, challenging and redefining what we think we know.

In our current level of thinking, there are particles of truth we obtained as children.  We may have gathered biased information as elements of truth, and especially if  we were nonverbal without history to base our interpretations.  This is how our truths are shaped and distorted without conscious awareness.

Without examination, our truths become discolored and tainted.  The jewel in our wisdom is discovered once it has been gently examined and refined.  When clarified truth resides at our core,  life is expanded into more than just living.

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