Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Switching Hats


"I think that a woman wears so many hats, we have so many
aspects to us that we're not just one thing."
Rachel Roy

In time, we learn that we were never meant to be just one thing. Even though groomed to completely dedicate ourselves to one area of expertise, we now find the need to expand. We are multi-sided beings with the need to nurture even the smallest aspect of the self. Throughout the day, we find that wearing just one hat won't do!

We move from the singular to the plural in relationships and expand roles of responsibility. Whether invested in family of origin or motherhood or dedicated professional, time is no longer easily allotted.  We are governed by routines, schedules, and appointments requiring stiff discipline in carving out 'me' time.

If one does not have a 'freedom' hat, he or she must acquire one as soon as possible. Once placed upon the head, relaxation trickles down throughout the body. Energy perks up lifting the corners of the mouth. One is empowered which creates a bounce in the step that leads to the choice of inner joy! So many hats, so little time.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Eyes Have It

"The eye is a keyhole, through which the world
pours in and a world spills out. And for a few
seconds, you can peek through into a vault,
that contains everything they are."

Even in childhood, my awareness consistently navigated to the eyes for they were signals for how I could proceed. Was someone telling the truth or were they projecting a mask to hide what lingered within? When sharing, were emotions coming from the depths of the soul or were they merely being recited from shallow perceptions?

The eyes, I found, were like portals, an open passage way to the inner being. Often, when allowed, I could be transported through the eyes, reaching landscapes previously unknown to me. Emotions frequently came flowing out, unleashed actually, spilling out to be heard, accepted, and released.

Communication as my strength, I could speak into the eyes accompanied by deep emotions to heighten any exchange. It was rare for a person to actually notice what was transpiring, but the sense of safety and recognition was prevalent. But alas, being hoodwinked was disheartening, as it reflected a person's need to falsify and hide. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Silence or Roar

"There is complacency in our lives rooted
in the assumption that we will always have tomorrow."
Mitch Davidowitz

In our minds eye, we review an unfortunate circumstance which may lessen or increase feelings of anger, pain, and helplessness. The core wound will fester when we avoid confrontation. We tend to put off today what can be done tomorrow, but what if tomorrow never comes?

We may have perfect intention to resolve an issue, assuming there will be time to do so. It is natural not to prioritize dreaded confrontation. Too often, the core wound continues to fester as it has not been addressed. A minor insult, in time, can shift in our memories into a major diatribe 

Tomorrow may never come for a face to face, but this does not mean it cannot be healed. Power can be restored by expressing deep feelings in a letter which may or may not be shared. We can visualize a reenactment of forgiveness and simply let it go. It is through using our voice that we can release our emotions whether in silence or in a roar.


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Possession or Passion

"I dream of a love that is more than two people craving to possess 
one another. I dream of a love in which two people share 
a passion to search together for some higher truth."
Irvin D. Yalom

There are numerous ways to love with varying degrees of intensity and diverse intentions for outcome. It is through relationship that love is experienced whether distracting or enhancing. Perhaps it is with age that we learn the importance of a balanced foundation for love to grow while supporting each individual.

When infatuation lessens and the excitement of newness dims, a couple spends less time facing each other and more time facing the future. If we begin to use our voice and fully listen, a pattern is created that will help to sustain a sense of togetherness. It is not as easy to lose secure footing when the original platform was securely established.

With an awareness of what each partner desires, a couple moves forward. With balance, two people experience a tandem of movement whether separate or in union. Individual diversity feeds the joint adventure and creates curiosity to stimulate and strengthen bonds. By feeding each other, love grows. 


Saturday, January 27, 2024


"We must kill the lies we believe before they kill
our ability to live life to the full."
Niki Hardy

As pure as freshly fallen snow, thoughts in our mind originally surface peacefully with sensitivity. They are meant to encourage and nurture while stimulating gentle action. They are meant to stir loving kindness not only to the self, but to flow outwards towards others. Unfortunately, this does not hold true.

When inspiration floats into awareness, almost immediately we begin to minimize and negate. By telling ourselves it is a foolish idea or endeavor, we squelch what could be uplifting and invigorating. Instead of utilizing our insights, we use criticism and judgment to snuff out our spark.

The lies we tell ourselves keep us from living expansive lives. Once we embrace the fact that no one and no thing is perfect, we can move forward with being just as we are. We may not qualify as an artist, but we can still paint, sing, dance and write to our heart's content. This is how we can  bring beauty into our world at no charge at all.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Get Ready!

"You learned when you were ready.
You changed when you were able."
John Mark Green

Prompts consistently flow through our thoughts hoping we will pay attention and establish fresh agendas. Random comments strike a chord within, poking us to take action and follow through with new intention. Unfortunately, we are our own worst enemy as we minimize and ignore creative ways to trigger expression and joy.

We even delay our progress by remembering all of the times we turned away from opportunities that seemed open ended as if it were reason to not take advantage of the present moment. Missed opportunities may be plentiful, but they are not reason enough to remain in our shell. 

Even when we have stored past insights, it is never too late to unearth them and begin to create. Creating is not just an action with creative flair. It is not limited to an artists easel or the process of journaling. We are unique and have every right to express our visions in a meaningful way, whether designing clothes, producing recipes, digging in the soil, or snapping photos in the mind. It is never too late to begin!


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Authority and Command

"How would your life be different if you stopped worrying
about things you can't control and started focusing
on the things you can?"
Steve Maraboli

It is when we do not believe in ourself that we resort to manipulating situations. If we truly had faith in the self and a Divine plan, there would be a willingness to allow situations to unfold. When there is a sense that things are not going our way and we do not accept the fate, we rearrange what is meant to be, only to face the same discord later.

When we intervene, dodging the obvious outcome, we are simply postponing what we are resistant to face. Our energy would be best used by investing in new ways to proceed. Perhaps we do not have to relinquish the goal. Just because it is not naturally unfolding, it doesn't mean we should give up as there might be a better alternative.

An automatic reaction to discord is to tighten up as in taking control. Conversely, it would be beneficial if we stood back, loosening up, to speculate when it is time to let go. It is important to stand our ground, but not to the point of demolishing our soul. Great insight appears when we pause to reflect upon things we can actually control.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Learning in Silence

"Silence is a source of great strength."
Lao Tzu

It takes discipline to secure the time, to block out surrounding noises, and to end the monkey chatter of the mind in order to have silence. Our energy is used to communicate with neighbors, mentors, and friends when in reality, our most important conversation is the one we have with ourselves.

Sit for a moment, blocking out noises and entering the inner chambers of the heart. The heart is a passage way leading into the depths of all there is. As we remain perfectly still without an agenda, clarity comes to the surface with recognition of personal strengths, dreams, and goals.

As we learn to let go of outer expectations and deeply relate to our inner self, life tends to unfold offering guidance and higher perspectives. Removing all of the layers from the outside world, we begin to identify with our true purpose. Freely, we are able to move into new avenues, awakening methods of being a better human to the self and towards others.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Fight, Flight or Freeze

"After a traumatic experience, the human system of self-preservation
seems to go onto permanent alert, as if the danger might return at any moment."
Judith Lewis Herman

It is our natural human instinct to have a fight, flight or freeze response, but it is extremely limiting to our growth process. Fear does not recognize the degrees of danger and harmful reactions can trigger dis~ease. Withdrawal leads to isolation which in return reduces immunity and triggers cognitive decline.

If our fear based ego sees a threat in what is currently happening, we lose touch with the essence of the moment. Actually, we are not in the moment, but rather in our heads. The ego mind will desire to remove the self which will shift us away from center. In certain circumstances, we may dissociate entirely. 

Developing a mixture of awareness, sensitivity, and centeredness, will help us to minimize these negative responses. Releasing the past, withdrawing from excessive projections of the future, and remaining in the moment, will help us maintain equilibrium. Life will then return spontaneity and childlike wonder triggering a more joyful life experience.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Depths of Discord

"Outgrow yourself as many times as you need to
until you feel like you."
The Sole Romero

Unexpectedly, we find ourselves in darkness which is actually an integral part of our transformation. It is in this gloominess that our inner light shines on parts that need attention, resolving and healing.  If we become overwhelmed and lose our way, we will benefit from our memories of when we have previously climbed out of our shadows.

As we learn to shed the role of victim when gloominess falls, searching for the lesson becomes priority. As we gather pieces of the puzzle, we extend our awareness of a larger picture. Accepting that our shadows are not meant to hurt us, but to stretch us, our energy shifts us to new beginnings.

It is not how many times we have to crawl out of the depths of discord, but rather how many lessons we can learn and apply to enhanced living. It is through introspection and application that wisdom lights our way to becoming a better person.  Our contributions to this life experience become significant.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Options and Choice

"At any moment, you have a choice,
that either leads you closer to your spirit
or further away from it."
Thich Nhat Hahn

There was a time for me that making the right choice was about whether or not to go to church on Sunday. Then there were seasons where I continuously tried to enhance the roles I played like mother, wife, or professional in my career. Somewhere along the line, my perception shifted to my inner being and how this was applied to navigation through life.

It is imperative to realize there is always choice, even though options may not be ideal. To decide upon an option triggers action which hopefully propels me forward. If I am integrated on the inside, my integrity is portrayed on the outside. To become one with spirit, actually makes living a positive journey.

Rather than choosing who to be in specific incidents, once centered, I can easily remain aligned with my authentic self. I am able to present as truth in all situations. No longer do I have to shift into other identities wearing masks to hide who I am at my core. Engaging with the world in union with my spirit allows my energies to flow.  


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Stimulating Idea

"You'll never know who you are unless you shed
who you pretend to be."
Vironika Tugaleva

It is time for you to attract and gather light into this day presenting before you. Relax and allow your inner voice to speak of your kindness, beauty, and purpose. As you sit still, feel your heart as it sends out loving vibrations, extending throughout your space and into the hearts of others. 

Expand upon a stimulating idea that recently passed through your thoughts. Keep exploring it until you come upon a nugget of wisdom that makes your heart sing. Absorb incoming messages that are heralded from the Divine or Universe. There may even be angels whispering encouragement into your subconscious. Listen without judgment.

Decide to make this an exciting day! Feel an inner expansion and allow your confidence to soar. On some level you know you are limitless, so tone down the ego and stretch leisurely from your soul. Place a smile across your beautiful face for there are amazing discoveries waiting just ahead of you!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Assassin or Hero?

"You are a hero of your own story."
Joseph Campbell

Focusing on one true thing to be in life can be a means for sabotage.  We are multi-sided and each part we play is important, requiring nurturing. We set our lovely selves up for failure with expectations to make our mark based upon a singular goal. Individual aspects support each other and contribute to the whole.

If we believe our success depends upon meeting the right people or accumulating exorbitant amounts of money, we are giving away power.  It is when we hold ourselves accountable and stimulate personal resources, momentum increases and attracts positive energy to escort us forward towards realistic goals.

Each person excels in a particular field, but integrity, awareness, and compassion are needed to support the main strength. Life brings us challenges to increase these areas so that we maintain a full spectrum. So discontinue being your own assassin, and gather all of your parts together to become a personal hero.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Search Begins

"The most incredible beauty and the most satisfying way of life
come from affirming your own uniqueness."
Jane Fonda

The origin of our own misconceptions of the self stem from the outpouring of judgment and comparison that we all too willingly embrace. Criticism of others enters unfiltered into our stream of consciousness. We begin to give more credit to those who do not know us rather than listening to our authentic voice within.

Endlessly, we have poorly chosen labels to identify us rather than asserting our voice of experience and sharing wisdom through personal lessons. We stand in the shadows covered with fear if we cannot find value in our own uniqueness. The fact that we are not all the same does not resound with those who manipulate.

We have foolishly allowed life to place limitations on us, clouding our true calling, life purpose, and original voice. It is time to shed what no longer applies and begin our search of who we are truly meant to be. Be honest with the self while exploring and discovering what truly makes the heart sing. 


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Release and Radiance

"Consciousness itself is infinite and so are the possibilities to experience, 
to grow, and to enter into ever higher levels of consciousness."

If we begin to trust in the flow of life, we develop a new momentum. As we allow the self to embrace diverse elements, awakening happens.  It is no wonder we feel stagnant if we have limited ourselves to rigid patterns. Remember, we have choice as to whether we allow our feet to be planted in one place or join in the dance of creation. 

When we relinquish desire to control and allow ourselves to expand into a state of wonderment, life shifts taking on new form. No longer trying to manipulate life, we can use our energies with exploration into inspiration and creativity. It is when we allow ourselves to view life through new lenses, our inner spirit grows radiant.

Begin to see life in all things, moving, flowing, and shifting. Release concepts of safety needing to be stationary, and observe how objects lose shape and form.  Experience the self relaxing when expectations are dropped and wonderment settles in. Surrender to the soul and move beyond the barriers of self-imposed rigidity. It is then that life truly begins.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Time For Dalliance

"The moods of love are like the wind and none
knows whence or why they rise."
Coventry Patmore

Bring to mind all of the things you love to do. Some may be whimsical while others more contemplative. Others may be costly, but some may be totally free. Just thinking of these things, stirs a sense of joy resulting in a shift in our mood. Then we begin to tell ourselves that we don't have time for such dalliance, we need to be more productive.

When we grab odd moments in time and leisurely express our creativity, our energies will become stronger which then enables us to move forward happily throughout our day. It is interesting to note what part of our ego restricts and ridicules our interest in these small acts of pleasure.

When we lovingly feed our energies to utilize pockets of time our daily activities become stimulating and joyful. Overcoming resistance, we can allow ourselves gentle approval to indulge our imagination by being unleashed, authentically expressive, and childlike. Our ego is no longer driven by perfection, as it begins to thrive with joy. 


Monday, January 15, 2024


"Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A beautiful soul disguised as a human being was growing discouraged over the lack luster commitments of fellow professionals. She was not jockeying for power, but yearning for higher performances in what was being offered. Discomfort was based on not being able to be her best when others were spreading a blanket of boredom.

Hoping that enthusiasm would be contagious, she began to invest positive energy into conversations with her colleagues. Instead of sitting quietly at the board meeting, she used her voice to project her concern over substandard investments while trying to ignite authentic fire in the bellies of others.

There is misjudgment in believing we must be still ... unseen, not heard, and not living up to our highest standards of equality. Each one of us is being called to increase our abilities to empower our own self as well as promoting the voices of others. Simply state what needs to be said and without judgment, listen to the voice of others.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Inaccurate Words

"Your vision will become clear only when you can 
look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; 
who looks inside, awakens."
Carl Jung

Deep in conversation, we hear ourselves state with clarity our dream; while on the inside, there is a dawning that these visions no longer live in our hearts. For numerous reasons, we change, but we may find ourselves clinging to old expectations out of a false sense of comfort. It is time to go within prior to recreating new dreams.

Our soul values learning that results in progress towards fulfilling life purpose. As we are guided forward, we encounter discord as well as positive discovery. Both will teach us and propel our attention forward towards new visions.  In time, we begin to see the dawn beyond the darkness filling us with delight.

When our actions are in alignment with our inner aspirations, there is an increase in passion and motivation. Dreams need to be constantly revisited, adjusting to our heart's desire. As inspiration opens to new scenarios, coincidences occur as affirmations of progress. When we are filled with stimulation and authentic purpose, we enter again into powerful dreams.


Saturday, January 13, 2024

If You Go ...

"If you go out and make some good things happen,
you will fill the world with hope,
you will fill yourself with hope."
Barack Obama

If we encounter our days with awareness, first hand experience is given to us through the actions of others. Taking notice of how another person is reacting to a situation, we can employ a nugget of optimism by small acts of kindness. Whether hope is offered through words or deeds, we can impact the lives of others.

As we remember that life is not always how it appears on the surface, sensitivity to underlying factors assists with greater understanding. There is no need for details, as our heart felt gestures become a blanket of comfort no matter the scenario. Too many details can be a distraction. 

Offering generous amounts of compassion, integration rather than separation is heightened. Reacting to others without judgment increases the sense of oneness and unites humanity. When kindness is extended, benefits are felt by all participants. Peaceful interaction is generated by love instilled within each of us.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Out of Control

"Every time it feels like the world is out of control, all I have to do is
look up, and I remember there is an order to everything."
Morgan L. Busse

Unexpectedly, negative words float through our thoughts, and our insecurities instantly awaken to absorb and chime in. What if we paused, asking where these remarks came from? When examined, very rarely are derogatory comments based in fact. Slanderous remarks usually stem from other's insecurities, not our own.

When heavy laden by fear and doubt, we find ourselves gazing down into darkness. If we happen to think to look up towards the sky and connect with the stars or moon or simple rays of the sun, we immediately feel uplifted. It is profitable if we can pinpoint if we are thinking of the past or the future, rather than being in the present moment.

We can ride the waves of energy in the present which ultimately attracts goodness.  Although life appears to be spontaneous, there really is a gentle underlying pattern that we can choose to follow. Maintaining flexibility to shift from moment to moment without getting ahead of ourselves or falling backwards, we remain steadfast in positivity.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Writing Or Recording

"Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts.
If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do."
Napoleon Hill

To master our thoughts, we must allow them to flow while taking on various meanings. These actions allow the viewing of new landscapes and hearing fresh musical scores. Eliminating restrictions open the gates to higher perspectives while harvesting new ideas moves us towards our truest self.

In the newly created stillness, one begins to hear higher perspectives and speculate upon new methods as to how to feed the soul. Guidance appears in numerous ways and spontaneous meetings offer new trails to seek fulfillment. Recording new progress strengthens our forward movement.

Revisiting our notations or recordings, we begin to experience appreciation for our unique gifts and skills. With steady application, we begin to enjoy who we are and what we have to offer.  With celebration, we move forward with disciplined writing or recordings which assists in maintaining an awareness of  leading a more intentional life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Footprints Upon The Path

"As long as you keep on walking on the old path,
you will never have footprints on the new path."
Mehmet Murat ildan

When we are not getting to where we want to go, it is imperative to take extra time to visualize where we want to go. Like picking up litter, take hold of outdated thoughts and discard them. Cease to look down at over worn tread marks and gaze up into the sky with an open heart and mind.  

When we are feeling discouraged or depressed, new light does shine on possibilities, but we must be paying attention. Suggestions circulate around us and with courage we gain renewal through introspection. Think outside of the box, travel the path less taken, and quit projecting an outdated version of the self.

We do not need an specific identity as we enter a new passageway, nor do we need to have a concrete plan. It is more important to hold positive intentions to discover and develop new ways of interacting with our world. As we fully embrace and accept who we are healing begins and we begin to see our life anew.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Triggered Inspiration

"In spite of everything I shall rise again; I will take up my pencil,
which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, 
and I will go on with my drawing."
Vincent van Gogh

Some people have comfort food for support, but I have comfort keepsakes like a rock I found on Maui or an old wool purse from Quebec.  Savored books encourage me, but true inspiration is triggered by watching the bright red cardinal perched in the snow covered bush outside my window. He sings and I listen with gratitude.

While thoughts circulate in the shadows of my mind, I choose to use my charcoal pencils to gently nudge thoughts into a physical presence. The art gum eraser easily removes lines that are too neatly aligned. Effort is made to simply let go, leaning into a newly discovered flow.

Creativity is not limited to artistic ability, but definitely linked to our ability to pay attention to what is not seen, to hear what is not spoken, and to feel what is not present. As we choose to heighten our imaginations, our energy increases, stimulating  wisdom to unleash our very soul.  


Monday, January 8, 2024

Unseen Possibilities

"I dwell in possibility."
Emily Dickenson

We are part of a team involving, perhaps, a guardian angel, divinity, deceased loved ones or simply the nature of things unfolding. We are living this life for reason with intention to experience and expand. The biggest barrier to our fulfillment is our negative self. Whether taking the role of baseless fears or inferiority complexes, we become our worst enemy. 

Focus is needed, but it is important to leave additional room for unexpected opportunities. The Universe or Divine Spirit is willing and waiting for us to beckon them into our chaotic puzzle of life. Our guides are here to encourage us to move through fear into higher purpose and to enhance aspects of the soul.

If we choose to place our energy into co-creating with our silent partners, we readily move through both discord and joy with a destination of higher purpose. Do not wait for perfect conditions as they too will rapidly change. Invest in the heart's desire, inviting spiritual powers to join us on our journey.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Stepping Outside Of Safety

"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth.
Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again."
Abraham Maslow

Gratitude fills me for the choice to resolve old issues prior to moving into the New Year. Although difficult to face challenges while the year is ending, fresh space is created to begin again. Fear has been minimized and confidence has gathered with a strong sense that this is truly going to be a good year.

My goal is to retain clarity in spite of my fears and to maintain flexible boundaries letting more goodness in while bracing against what seems questionable. An additional goal is to utilize the ability to pause when I am uncertain or overly confident. Slowly, one foot placed in front of the other still creates a healthy pace.

It is challenging to be vulnerable while knowing lessons are lurking in nooks and crannies. There is a deep sense within me wanting to acknowledge reality the way it presents and not viewed through false projections. Truly, I long to welcome this New Year with a clean slate, a willingness to learn, and the ability to be the brightest light I can possibly be. 


Saturday, January 6, 2024

False Memories

"Just because someone thinks they remember something in detail,
with confidence and with emotion, does not mean that it actually
happened. False memories have these characteristics too."
Elizabeth Loftus

Like a movie streaming across a screen, my memory danced with color and vibration. I was instantly propelled back into my past as though I were living it all over again. For whatever reason, I felt a gentle nudge encouraging me to step back and to view this scene without emotion or intimate connection. And so I did.

Recollections began to lose rigidity and questions surfaced in my mind. I was being prompted to view my vivid flashbacks with more objectivity.  The movie screen in my mind extended, displaying additional information to my selected memory. There was more to the story that shifted my repetitive and narrow perspective.

When we take the time to examine a memory with a neutral eye, we begin to see a bigger picture lending more information. Governed by our own emotional makeup, we have jaded or embellished the past to support our mind frame whether accurate or not. Healing begins as we adjust and reframe our stored thoughts with compassion and objectivity. 


Friday, January 5, 2024

Narrow Calculations

"Asking God for a specific thing will amount 
to limiting God to a specific answer."
T. B. Joshua 

When things do not go as planned, we have the tendency to turn to the Divine asking for intervention. We have a set projection of how things should unfold, becoming disgruntled when our expectations are not met. It is unfortunate that we readily forget how powerful God is and how creative a response may be.

With limited calculations, we fail to recognize how wisdom is displayed in all of our surroundings. If  we do not notice a beautiful sunset or a bird singing outside of our window, we may be missing messages of wisdom. God speaks to us through all of his creation and we benefit when we broaden our awareness to link the connections of inspiration.

Often our focus is too centered on our feelings of being alone. We do not notice the butterfly pausing near us, the leaf trusting as it gently falls, or a warm breeze caressing our face. Divine Spirit is in all things and at all places of existence. When we cease using narrow-gauged projections, the wonderment of all there is gently broadens Divine communication.

Emotionally Bilingual


"May you attract someone who speaks your language
so you don't have to spend a life time translating your soul."
Ishqbe Rung

When we stop comparing ourselves to others and disengage from activities that do not ignite our curiosity, individual preference steers us towards meaningful discovery. Following our own lead, we become acquainted with those who are also seeking personal desire. It is this common denominator that attracts relationship.

The key to relationship is to be present without judgment. We do not need to speak each other's language as through listening, we begin to see into one's soul. Whether we agree or not is irrelevant as the goal is to understand. Individually we want to to be seen and heard just as we are.

There is truth in seeing the self reflected back when we engage with those we trust. As our significant other listens, we can hear the honesty of what we have to say, and adjust accordingly. To be emotionally bilingual offers a deeper connection than simply reciting similar words. 

Thursday, January 4, 2024



"If you focus on hurt, you will continue to suffer.
If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow."
The Mind's Journal 

Life is a sheet of paper with lightly drawn sketches waiting to be detailed.  We hold a box of crayons in our lap which will color our perception of how life seems to be. It is how we see things that nudges us into more of the same. We cannot avoid darkness, but we can remember the light we carry within.

When we develop the ability to look beyond our feelings, there is discovery of information pertaining to a lesson just waiting for us to begin. Dwelling in deep emotions traps us; whereas, looking for cause and effect propels us forward. 'What is the meaning of this,' we may ask which triggers a greater understanding.

As a bigger picture unveils itself, we begin to connect the dots and discover the relationship between events that previously appeared to be unrelated. Each insight assists in reaping the rewards of discovery. Our energy is no longer used for emotional drama, so we can use it to move forward, growing stronger in the light.