Saturday, January 27, 2024


"We must kill the lies we believe before they kill
our ability to live life to the full."
Niki Hardy

As pure as freshly fallen snow, thoughts in our mind originally surface peacefully with sensitivity. They are meant to encourage and nurture while stimulating gentle action. They are meant to stir loving kindness not only to the self, but to flow outwards towards others. Unfortunately, this does not hold true.

When inspiration floats into awareness, almost immediately we begin to minimize and negate. By telling ourselves it is a foolish idea or endeavor, we squelch what could be uplifting and invigorating. Instead of utilizing our insights, we use criticism and judgment to snuff out our spark.

The lies we tell ourselves keep us from living expansive lives. Once we embrace the fact that no one and no thing is perfect, we can move forward with being just as we are. We may not qualify as an artist, but we can still paint, sing, dance and write to our heart's content. This is how we can  bring beauty into our world at no charge at all.

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