Monday, January 8, 2024

Unseen Possibilities

"I dwell in possibility."
Emily Dickenson

We are part of a team involving, perhaps, a guardian angel, divinity, deceased loved ones or simply the nature of things unfolding. We are living this life for reason with intention to experience and expand. The biggest barrier to our fulfillment is our negative self. Whether taking the role of baseless fears or inferiority complexes, we become our worst enemy. 

Focus is needed, but it is important to leave additional room for unexpected opportunities. The Universe or Divine Spirit is willing and waiting for us to beckon them into our chaotic puzzle of life. Our guides are here to encourage us to move through fear into higher purpose and to enhance aspects of the soul.

If we choose to place our energy into co-creating with our silent partners, we readily move through both discord and joy with a destination of higher purpose. Do not wait for perfect conditions as they too will rapidly change. Invest in the heart's desire, inviting spiritual powers to join us on our journey.

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