Monday, January 15, 2024


"Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A beautiful soul disguised as a human being was growing discouraged over the lack luster commitments of fellow professionals. She was not jockeying for power, but yearning for higher performances in what was being offered. Discomfort was based on not being able to be her best when others were spreading a blanket of boredom.

Hoping that enthusiasm would be contagious, she began to invest positive energy into conversations with her colleagues. Instead of sitting quietly at the board meeting, she used her voice to project her concern over substandard investments while trying to ignite authentic fire in the bellies of others.

There is misjudgment in believing we must be still ... unseen, not heard, and not living up to our highest standards of equality. Each one of us is being called to increase our abilities to empower our own self as well as promoting the voices of others. Simply state what needs to be said and without judgment, listen to the voice of others.

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