Thursday, September 28, 2023


"When we are intentional, we are clear about the
purpose, meaning, and intent behind what we do."
Nedra Glover

Does it feel like you are simply existing, just going through the motions of living? If your routine feels lack-luster and boring, it is time to make change. To view where you go and who you see, there can be insight as to whether or not you are making choices to support your soul, or bury you in boredom.

You do not need to determine an exacting destination. Simple movement can trigger you to move in a new direction. By being open to change rather than feeling threatened, you begin to breathe deeply and inspiration begins to swirl. Explore just one intention that will stimulate you, creating new space within.

When you remember that life is right here in the present moment with no guarantees of how much time is remaining, your intentions become more purposeful. Maybe, today, you cannot afford your greatest dream, but your pockets are filled with coins meant to be spent on small pleasures. Step into your life and truly activate your heart's desire. 


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