Friday, September 29, 2023

Right Before You


"The power of gratitude lies in celebrating the 
peak moments and finding solace in the valleys, 
where lessons and strength await."
Alex Elle

Have you ever wandered around the house in search of your keys, knowing they are right in front of you? You can sense they are near, but for whatever reason, you simply are not seeing them. This is the very same scenario with gratitude. It is right before you, but you simply  overlook it.

When you are mindful of the small things sprinkled throughout your day, a gentle connection grows stronger. You begin to notice the sun's reflection or a bird in flight or the fragrance of freshly baked bread. When you react with gratitude, the bond with life strengthens and lifts your spirit.

Keeping a gratitude journal, maintains your awareness of the the positive aspects surrounding you. It can be a compass constantly reminding you of daily small blessings. Gratitude is a way of thanking the Universe for the ray of sunshine, the smell of rain, and the gently falling leaves. The yearning to belong is addressed by expressing your gratitude. 

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