Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Runaway Train

"Another source of our drama are the assumptions we make
about other people. We need to ground these 'runaway trains
by checking out the illusion of them."
Mitch Davidowitz

Imaginary drama swirls our perception of truth. We begin to assume what others may be thinking, and our anger becomes turbulent like an unleashed force. We think we know the reactions of others even though they are not based in reality. Our engines are all fired up to run like a runaway train.

This kind of turbulance can be minimized once we realize our habit of assuming the worse. Instead of taking flight, we can stop right where we are and get grounded, releasing chaos in exchange for calm. We can silence the dialogue that in reality simply isn't happening. Once centered, we can explore truth, not the fallacies created in our mind.

Once we move from our mind and into our heart, a calmer scenario can be seen. Without blame or shame, we can see what is at the core of our reactions. At this point, we can explore a healthy way to respond that is respectful to ourselves and to all of those involved. By learning to calm the self, our perceptions shift and healthier decisions are made.


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