Thursday, July 13, 2023


"Selfishness then is a stage in our evolution that is the
process of being transcended at a collective level."
Richard Rudd

Selfishness is reportedly on the decline, but this might be the result of individuals finally finding his or her voice. Perhaps, we now have mustered the courage to look into the eyes of those who oppress us and say, "Enough!" Strengthening our core value accelerates our progress to confidently move forward.

We now have access to successful stories reflecting the resurrection of the human spirit.  Information is shared about the courage to step back from narcisstic and/or selfish individuals. As our power resurfaces, we recognize the ability to respect the self and create methods to attract healthier scenarios. 

Numerous systems are available to guide our thoughts, actions, and expectations.  Whether we establish a relationship with a professional or reach out to a revered friend, the trusted presence assists us with our healing. Standing up for ourselves is not easy, but it offers measures to create and sustain the life we long to live.

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