Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Vibrational Frequency

"When you rise, your landscape changes. How it feels to see the world, 
how it feels to see the  self from a higher vibration,  is markedly 
different from what you can imagine."
Paul Selig

As we build a stronger connection with the Divine, we begin to grasp the significance of our life purpose wrapped in the soul's journey. Judgment and criticism is replaced with awareness and compassion, both to ourselves and others. Our vibration accelerates, awakening our potential to reach sacred unions impacting the life we live.

As we embrace our spiritual capabilities, we begin to initiate changes in ourselves, relationships, and actions. Moving forward with a humble mindset, love becomes our motivator, not success nor power. The essence of the Divine grows stronger as we experience it working through us to touch the lives of others.

While we learn to intensify our love for all things, understanding of how deeply Spirit loves us lifts elements of fear and strengthens trust. The presence of spirit guides accompanies our endeavors to make a loving difference which raises the frequencies on this earth. Accepting to be a portal for Divine Spirit, brings us into alignment for goodness to unfold.

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