Friday, July 14, 2023

Intimacy of Connection

"To be intimate with yourself is to know your uniqueness;
to be intimate with another is to share your uniqueness."
Marc Gafni

We have spent years hiding parts of our lovely selves that didn't quite fit in. Aspects that seemed too much or not quite enough. Ironically, these unusual elements of our inner self are what makes us significant in our contribution to the diversity of life itself. There is beauty in our soul awaiting to make a creative contribution.

Dedicated inner exploration is required to fully see and understand how we are different. Then once recognized, we can creatively expand and grow our essence. Understanding the depth of the self, we have a plethora of options as to how we want to present to the outer world. We begin to respect the gifts we have to offer and how they align with others.

If we examine people or places that attract us, we begin to see we are pulled in by their uniqueness. When we understand the complexity of our self, we become curious about the intricacies of others. We yearn to communicate on a soul level, excluding judgment, criticism, and narrow minded thinking. The intimacy of soul connection opens realms!


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