Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Departure and Doses of Tea


"Fall has always been my favorite season.  The time when
everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been
saving up all year for the grande finale."
Lauren DeStefano

Sadly, I look back at the diminishing signs of fall.  Autumn has been my comfort zone over numerous years. Nature embodies my soul with cooler temperatures, splashes of vivid colors, all things pumpkin and everything apple. 

The new month will have the absence of nurturing sounds.  I shall miss the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, birds vibrantly singing their songs, and whispers between the trees.  Fragrances dwindle from the last stages of flower gardens, while cinnamon and cider spices fade away.  

Mostly, I will miss the camaraderie felt in the midst of the Harpeth River trails and greenways.  The sense of being one lessens and the unspoken communication declines. The remaining comfort is the ability to ween from the outdoor fire pit and pull my chair in front of the mesmerizing fire place.  I will gather my old quilt, inspirational quotes, and fictional adventures.  And tea, don't forget large doses of tea!

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