Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Consumed, Nature Beckons

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree."
Emily Bronte

There once was a time,  I began every morning listening to the news.  My desire was to begin each day aware of the world, the state, and community.  As time passed, I became aware of a heaviness produced by broadcasters reports. I definitely was not getting off on the right foot!

Broadcasts created a negative attitude prior to the beginning of what I had intended on being a blissful day.  As I eliminated the 'news' connection, I chose uplifting routines of reading inspirational essays and journaling my inner intentions with heavy doses of positivity.

During my daily walk, instead of being consumed by "THE SKY IS FALLING", nature beckoned me to observe the grace of a leaf falling from a tree.  The songs of the birds began to feel like morning serenades and deep breathes expanded my awareness of living in bliss.


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