Monday, November 29, 2021

Replenish Prior to Exhaustion


"Still today, despite all the progress being made, the
measure of a good woman is how much she is willing
to give up of herself in order to be there for others."
Chris Brauer

When we dare to redefine the roles we choose to play, time expands and contracts.  If we make better choices to honor and respect our true nature, a new sense of rhythm allows time for both  the self and others.  Balance ... emotionally, physically, spiritually ... forms a higher  degree of  participation in life.

It is a challenge to alter activities that no longer inspire us.  We become involved in extracurricular commitment that robs us of needed time for self enhancement.  We acknowledge it is time to pass on the reigns, creating space that honors and respects the self.  When we give too much away, without replenishing, the result is exhaustion. 

Lessons allow us to see the importance of living up to our own expectations, rather than the redirect we receive from family, friends, and co-workers.  Our personal pathway will have dark shadows and pot holes, but we will grow stronger to climb and brighter to unveil the unseen dynamics of soulful living!

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