Monday, July 26, 2021

Turn the Page

"Girls, you've got to know when
it's time to turn the page."
Tori Amos

Years ago, I was reading a reference that claimed nursery rhymes were written as hidden political opposition.  I then turned to fairytales which portrayed very unrealistic outcomes.  Why are we so misled, deliberately, when development is challenging on its own?

My generation of females were taught it was a waste to further education as the goal was to be married, have children, and live inspired by house work and cooking.  I was programed to believe that a male would come and rescue me, as individual woman could never achieve inspiration on her own.

Fear induced control came from parents, church, and patriarchal brain washing. I found my lovely self aligning with Jesus as he welcomed all people, forgave everyone, and said we were one.  To my delight I discovered Eastern Cultures focusing on equality ... ah the freedom!  It is imperative to listen to many voices, to create an awareness of when it is time to turn the page.


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