Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Threatening Word ...

"Hatred was an addictive emotion, and it thrived
best with frequent injections."
Glendy Vanderah

Hatred...what a threatening word.  It churns up uncensored reactions and becomes addictive in the midst of gathered angry people.  Even extremely religious or political advocates can be sucked into negative action, by posturing themselves above others.

Reprograming was necessary to accept those who spoke, dressed or thought differently than me. If I wanted others to allow my preferences, I must learn to respect differing views.  There seems to be strength in various peoples working together while embracing diversity.

We are all souls, but have differing levels of evolving. The fact that we are human beings indicates that we are here to learn through the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I desire others to live the best that they can be, as I learn through their example.  We all need to raise the bar, to stretch into spiritual ways of living, being kind to nature, animals, and all living things.


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