Sunday, July 25, 2021

Still Human ...

"So much past inside my present."

The misconception that all of my lessons would be played out as I aged, has left me discouraged.  The experts advise to leave the past behind, but how can anybody do this when lessons continue to surface? I sincerely believe I have fully addressed old trauma until it it shows up as darkness, once again.

I have emptied my baggage, healed my wounds, and live comfortably with my scars.  I have cleansed both my inner and outer so many times, I should be raw.  I have engaged in ways to renew and recharge, but approaches seem to dwindle.  

Walking on hot coals of fire, I envisioned a  purging of all personal darkness.  Through energy work, I  leniently forgave others and begged for forgiveness of my own thoughtless actions. Using hypnotherapy, I endeavored to reprogram any old patterns.  And yet, here I am ... still human after all.  

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