Thursday, July 1, 2021

Discern and Dismiss


"I accept the responsibility of listening 
to and loving myself."
Shakti Gawain

Indeed, it is human nature to crave the love and attention of others.  The majority of lessons are learned through relationship and challenges presented upon our path.  And, although these two areas deserve observation, we often forget to regard and support ourselves.

Ironically, we seek other opinions, but frequently once heard, we dismiss them when they do not resonate.  There is truth to the saying, "We know our selves best!"  In order for this to be true, however, we must make the effort to monitor our thoughts, mind, and deeds.

We can easily become overwhelmed by available resources, and the time arrives when we need to sit back and discern what applies to our life and dismiss what does not.  We can inspire our lovely selves by choosing situations or information that lifts us with strength and possibility.  Look freshly with thine own eyes to see the betterment of our own soul.

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