Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Crossing Back to Home



                                                    Give ...  Do not allow thy self to be used; 
                                                    Love ... Do not allow thy heart to be abused;
                                                   Trust ... Do not be naive;  
                                                  Listen ... Do not loose thy voice.
                                                                  Author Unknown

Twenty years ago I was 55 and I was yearning to be more.  Ten years ago I was 65 and I longed for deeper conversations.  Today, I turn 75 and my physicality has very little to do with where my mind dwells.

The skin is sagging; weight has been gained; hair gray forever, and my bones no longer wish to jump; but, my mind is as inquisitive as ever.  Curiosity pulls me forward, wanting to understand, perhaps, just one more revelation.

My physical body feels like a coat, protecting my inner spirit from the strong winds of relationship and under minding of society. Dedication to Virginia's Voice offers a connection between my two worlds.  I tend to thrive in my spiritual world where skies are strung with stars and moon; while my outer existence bides my time before crossing back to home.

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