Friday, July 2, 2021

Do Not Look Away

"The willful looking away, a grave act of
denying what is already conscious."
Chogyam Trungpa

We are intelligent beings with senses of observation constantly flowing through our minds.  Details of spoken words, sites of miracles in nature, and inner knowledge run rampant.  The facts are not always supportive and our ego can shift our attention away from the truth.  

When we act with knowledge that we know is not in our best interest, there will be consequences. The longer we pursue what we knowingly is not a part of our path, the light of life grows darker.  We sink into muddy waters and eventually, we will need to be pulled back out through hard work and dedication.

So just hearing wisdom is not enough.  We must put it to use and uphold it in our every step.  When we fear we are lost, we can call upon our inner spirit, guides, angels or patron saints.  We do not have to resurrect from our poor judgment alone.  Routinely, remain conscious and do not look away.


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