Thursday, November 30, 2017

Uplift the Lonely Soul

"This life is full of trials and tribulations,
so you have to capture humor whenever
you can find it."
Steven Callahan


Virginia's Voice originated with the intention to connect with others using three categories:  Articulating Silence, Deciphering Dreams, and Exploring Inner Landscapes.  Each post is an attempt to encourage the use of the voice whether speaking words slightly mumbled, out loud, or expressed through any of the arts.  These words are not offered to convince the reader one way or the other.  What is shared is to challenge the reader to think about whether or not he or she agrees, disagrees or has never thought these thoughts before.  

Virginia's Voice is written with deliberate effort to offer words to help all of us evolve. Quotes set the tone of the post.  The post might be funny, sad or opaque, but there are words within to nudge the reader to think, laugh, or cry  and to become aware of what resides inside of us.  It is a personal message hoping to nurture the reader.  The blog originated in October of 2010 and will continue to share stories or ideas until there readers diminish in numbers.

Virginia's Voice shares stories about the trials and tribulations of life.  The words are an effort to engage the reader so they do not feel alone on whatever journey they are partaking.  The reader hopefully becomes aware of the necessity of speaking out, recognizing symbols in dreams, and searching for the heart's desire.  All said and done, I hope my quirky sense of humor uplifts the lonely soul.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Search Provides Surprise

"I do not know what fruit these
seeds will bear, but I have faith 
that what is taking root today 
will surprise me with its vigor."
Danna Faulds

As I searched for my intention, what seemed like an eternity slowly floated by.  I did not feel driven by a particular purpose and my value was quite uncertain.  In the early years, I sought something concrete that would have a label to explain who I was to be.  I longed to find it in the ancient scripts, modern literature or wisdom of the keepers.

While raising my children, confidence soared and my creative abilities exploded.  It was all bountiful until my children roamed towards their own paths.  I sadly realized I needed to reinvent myself again.  Career extended numerous hats to wear and once again I was excelling except for when I was not.

Realization arrives after our toil and trouble.  Truth dawns brightly, and our extended spirit touches the cusp of who we really are.  Neither identity nor labels awaken the soul to the simplistic existence of honorable living.  It is when we begin to feel the seeds deeply rooted, flower within, that we discover kindness and love as the fruit of our labor.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Face the Right Direction

"If we are facing in the right direction,
all we have to do is keep on walking."
Zen Proverb

We have all experienced the sense of walking in the right direction, only to find ourselves knee deep in a swamp or neck deep in a tidal wave.  So we wash our lovely selves off and begin again.  With our face towards the sun, the shadow at our back, we walk until our feet connect with our personal path.

Finding our path may take us a life time of wandering or it may seem like we have always been walking in the same direction.  Our body may yearn to rest and our mind may beg to stop, but our heart keeps beating, instilling a rhythm within our core. The journey continues.

There are those who seem to have an easier time and perhaps it is due to their single mindedness; while others, like ourselves, have wandered off the beaten path.  It seems the detours take a toll, but they also broaden our sense of self and our depth of understanding.  Keep moving forward until we feel at home at an unexpected destination.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Remove Shadow and Fear

""This is the importance of shadow work:  
If we don't work on our stuff,
our stuff will work on us."
Ali Schultz

Accepting we have a shadow side can be difficult.  We would rather pretend we are nothing but light. Light creates a shadow wherever it shines.  It is vitally important to our growth to take our light and bravely walk into our darkness in spite of our fears.  

If we ignore the issues hidden within us, they will continue to gnaw on us.  No matter how controlled we attempt to be, our repressed feelings will present themselves.  We have a choice to deal with them singularly or  be overwhelmed as they explode into our reality.

If we notice a particular pattern that repeats itself, it is a message trying to teach us, to make us aware and redefine our intentions.  "Why does this always happen to me?" we may ask.  It recurs to expand our depth of understanding.  Educating ourselves diminishes fear.  The lesson nudges us to bring light into our darkness to eliminate fear. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Day Dreams Matter

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things
which escape those who dream only by night."
Edgar Allan Poe

Day dreams reveal as many insights as night time reveries.  All it takes is awareness, the ability to pay attention, and ability to recognize symbols.  Animals crossing our path can be indication of things to come.  An accident can be the principle tool in slowing us down when we have ignored signs encircling us.  The homeless teen living on the street can awaken our compassion and involvement in helping others.

Day dreams unfold before us.  If we feel as though we are drowning, water is a symbol of emotions.  Perhaps, we are over our head in issues of a personal nature.  If we feel extremely over heated as though on a desert, we may have isolated ourselves and repressed too much anger.  We may have wandered too far off the emotional grid feeling freezing cold.  Perhaps we need to nurture or be nurtured.

It is challenging to give a complete picture of all that matters.  Damage the car, leak in the ceiling, fall down, miss a turn, etc ...   When we lack attention, we miss opportunities or scenarios reflecting insight.  Everything around us is significant to our story.  Pay attention and trust intuition.  Go with a gut understanding and combine the snips of information.  Day dreams can be a surprising resource.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Mysteries of Life

"I feel as though I have lived many lives, experienced the heights and depths
of each and like the waves of the ocean, never known rest.  Throughout the years, 
I looked always for the unusual, for the wonderful, for the mysteries of life."
Leni Riefenstah

When appraising my life,  I have replaced words like confused or lacking with wayfarer or seeker.  Rather than feeling wrong,  I accept how connected I have been to nature, poets, and sacred living not coinciding with dogma and religion.  Although I fit in with numerous groups, I tended to do better floating in and out of them.  Instead of thinking of myself as an outsider, I choose to use the word observer.

As the years have passed, I realize my lessons were one on one, impacted by individual ticks and worries.  I was  not able to just gloss over everyone, ignoring the radiance hidden within each soul or the deep trouble brewing beneath transparent skin.  Not being in pack mentality, life was more intricate and it taught me to navigate less erratically in the midst of diversity.

I was the constant in my life, not my family or peers.  As frightening as that tended to be, my passage carved great depth within me.  My choices were based upon the belief that others were the same as me.  I believed all intentions would be good for each involved.  Whether I evolved through innocence, naivety, or lack of awareness, I longed for honest and true.  The rewards (other than my children) have arrived later in life.  I now discover the exaltation of being loved and the rapture of experiencing the mysteries of life.

Friday, November 24, 2017

How About You?

"I want to be a Renaissance Woman.
I want to paint, and I want to write,
and I want to act, and I just want to
do everything."
Emma Watson

Decades ago, I heard Jean Houston speak in Chicago to a packed audience.  The content of her presentation was appropriate for the trials and errors of that particular day, this particular day, and any forthcoming day.  The force of her sharing was based on the blessings of the Renaissance.

Jean Houston was direct about her observations of how children were being schooled.  She found negativity in our tendency to lump everyone together and minimize individuality.  In her massive experience with children struggling in our standard form of education, she compelled everyone present to expand teaching recognizing personal strengths.  

The message challenged the audience to enrich life by experimenting with all of the arts without an awareness of pass or fail.  If we want to dance, then dance without putting a negative spin upon the outcome.  Be brave and sing our song whether someone is listening or not.  At the very least, imagine ourselves activating our dream come true.  I want to do everything, how about you?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Personal Ritual for Thankful Heart

"It does not matter what your circumstances are;
the instant you begin to thank God, even though the 
situation has not changed, you begin to change."
Francis Frangipane

I am ever so thankful for the opportunity to share my words with you.  I am also grateful for your  presence and insights.  Today, there will be some families gathering while other families unravel.  Wherever you find your lovely self, please take a brief moment  for a personal ritual.

Whether you recite an old favorite prayer, recall precious memories or to be still, light a small candle in honor of the present moment.  Even if it is a simple action, ignite the light and allow the flame to shine upon you.  

Let your eyes welcome the brightness and allow your heart to open no matter what circumstances face you.  Give your beautiful self a second to bask in personal radiance.  Will your soul to kindle the sense of sacred and release that which will never change.  To embrace all parts of your evolving spirit,  you will shine with a thankful heart.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Moderately Acceptable

"It never takes longer than a few minutes,
when they get together, for everyone to
revert to the state of nature, like a party 
marooned by a shipwreck."
Michael Chabon

There are many layers to a holiday and preparation is needed physically, mentally and spiritually.  Physically, we may increase our exercise or cut down on preceding meals or select our most comfortable clothing.  We make promises to be restrictive in our beverages and  in our choices; take smaller portions;  and limit sweet indulgences.

The factor that many of us need to prepare mentally is in itself sad.  We attempt to bury offenses and plaster a smile across our face.  There are endless triggers when we think of regrouping during the holidays and in spite of our pep talks, we return to the original formation of our clan.  Once the baby always the baby even at the age of 65.

Spiritually, we can clean our glasses for new perceptions and do our best to remain aligned.  Without judgment we can experience diversity in the midst of our gathering.  We present with humble honor towards others, refraining from unnecessary comments, and dashing out the door when moderately acceptable!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

In the Hearts of All People

"Not what we say about our blessings,
but how we use them, is the true measure 
of our thanksgiving."
W.T. Purkiser

As Thanksgiving approaches, we begin to examine our blessings.  In these chaotic days of destruction, there is truth in being grateful for clean water and a roof for protection.  In our complacency, however, do we appreciate of our food in spite of it being doused in preservatives and chemical concoctions.  

Too often, we do not even recall the aspects of early traditions. “I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.” ― Jon Stewart    Yes, this is a bit extreme, but it is reflective of past reality.  

My enthusiasm for Thanksgiving has become somewhat curbed as I remain aware of diverse people suffering all over the world for various reasons.    To use my gifts of love, light and energy, I need to spend the holidays on my knees in prayer or cloistered meditation begging or visualizing a speck of peace stirring in the hearts of all peoples.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Random Movements

"All the time, I looked out our lattice window, 
I watched the birds fly by.  I followed the  clouds
on their travels.  I studied the moon as it grew larger,
then shrank.  So much happened outside my window
that I almost forgot what was happening inside that room."
Lisa See
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

It is equally important to follow the clouds in the sky as it is to follow our inner yearnings.  We live in alignment when we learn from our worldly surroundings as well as our inner discoveries.  One does not replace the other.  Wholeness is created when we can blend our diverse interests with harmony.

As we allow judgment to fall away, our senses are free to innocently experience whatever attracts our attention.  When our blinders are removed we begin to see through the old sludge and into the new horizons.  The key is to look beyond and embrace the subtle beauty as it lifts our entire being.

There may be a piece of jewelry or a painting we could never get quite right on our wrist or wall.  Then a friend adjusts it with random movement and the entire piece awakens.  The shift is so obvious we wonder how we had overlooked it for so long.  Life is just like that ... a random movement adjusts what has been long out of place.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Conserving Emotional Energy

"A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous
that it makes us forget the hundred lovable moments
spent together within a minute." 

A thoughtless statement is made and the words zing through our heart like a piercing arrow.  An apology is made, which removes the  arrow, but the puncture to the heart continues to throb.  Conversations move things along, but if you listen carefully, a whimpering can still be heard.

We recall the biting words and reprimand ourselves for being so sensitive and over reactive.  We are haunted as the ego schools us to have higher self esteem, stronger confidence, and appreciation for our personal gifts.  Our energy is zapped by our attempts to silence the negativity streaming through our minds with rapid increase.

In our own time, we eventually slow down and begin to process our feelings more realistically.  We are less defensive and more open to interpretation.  Perhaps we can see where we jumped to a conclusion; gave away our personal power emotionally; and willingly leaped into drama.  When we hold ourselves accountable for our reactions, we can learn to maneuver through future conflict more easily by conserving our emotional energy. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Corners of the Mouth

"Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that."
Maulana Rumi

When friends detect a decline in our wealth of happiness, suggestions are overwhelmingly offered from getting a massage to a trip to the beach.  We listen, but in our decreasing enthusiasm, a decision of any kind sounds like too much effort or too much money. 

When we focus on the simple things in life, there are unlimited uplifting gestures requiring very little from us.  Studies reveal time spent in nature to be one of the easiest mood changers available.  Forget the park and step bare footed into the back yard.  Fix a cup of tea in a treasured cup recalling fond memories. Sit in a chair taking deep breaths to expand the lungs and release disruptive thoughts lingering in the brain.   Lather a favorite lotion on legs and feet while deeply rubbing fingers into the skin.  Find a favorite book and skim through favorite passages.
What personally lifts the corners of our mouth?  Is it a place, person, or thing that surfaces in the mind?
There are a variety of things to lift our spirit if we just remember what they are.  In happier states of mind, we can make a simple list of nurturing gestures and keep it handy on a cell phone, computer or journal.  Then when we are feeling a little lesser than, we can turn to the list and immediately calm ourselves with predetermined actions.

Friday, November 17, 2017

All the Same, but None Alike ...

"The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal.  It can't be organized or regulated.  
It isn't true that everyone should follow one path.  
Listen to your own truth."
Ram Dass

Life is riddled with contradictions and exceptions.  We strive to find our purpose while battling barriers and foes.  Arriving on the other side without satisfaction, we return inward to find our heart's desire.  

The wisdom we seek is silently whispered.  When we gather our scattered parts, become whole, and recognize our value, we become aware of our partnership with Divine Spirit.  Our tests are self-challenged without comparison or competition with others.  

The spiritual journey unfolds before us without force.  It assists us in maintaining purpose with honor and respect spread amongst our fellow travelers.  We are all the same and yet no one is alike sounds like a contradiction, but honestly describes the individual traveling the spiritual journey. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Developing Dedication

"Become an opening of pure awareness."
Elkhart Tolle

Preparation is vital in any plan whether it is for hosting a dinner; organizing a 4k run; changing locations; or leaving a relationship.  If we simply "wing" it, we will disappoint those counting on us; create chaos; and implode our self-esteem.

The same is true for private practices such as breath work, yoga, or controlling anxiety.  If we do not  prepare a sketchy outline, the day or week will swiftly pass by and we will not have practiced at all. This lack of action will place us even farther from our commitment. 

As we begin our day, we can take a moment to sweep through our agenda with awareness.  When we open our awareness, we can carve out time in what is already scheduled: utilize a coffee break, bathroom break,  riding in an elevator or right before bed.  When we are aware, we discover small openings to begin a plan.  These small moments can create a perfect pathway to full time dedication.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Time Restricts the Soul

"The soul exists partly in eternity and partly in time."
Marsilio Ficino 

Ancient scripts claim time to be an illusion.  This would explain how time flies or lasts for an eternity.  It is speculated man created time based on nature or seasonal cycles.  The flexibility of time ... feeling lost or out of sync ... suggests that time in not internal.  Physically, our bodies age according to time, but deep within we feel the same ... timeless.

So is it our soul that detects the discrepancy in time?  If our soul is eternal, it would have to adjust to the worldly calendar even though cognizant of infinity.  The soul, then, feels the pinch of squeezing into the physical space as well as the limitation of time.  If this is so, no wonder we as humans feel such restraint and lack of freedom.

In our dreams, time is not of the essence.  We can move from the past to the future, recall or recreate,
or shift shape into different realities, realms, and unknown places.   We can wear different faces or inhabit different body forms and experience wild fantasy; and yet, return to time as we currently know it.  Eventually, the soul sheds the temporary physical body with its timed restrictions, and takes flight once again ... beyond time.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Celebrating Life With A Happy Ending

Celebrating Life with Ronald H. Triplett

Happy Birthday Renaissance Man!

November 14, 2017

"I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand
and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow.  I wish I had a thousand 
words for love,  but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me 
while you sleep and there are no words for that."   
Brian Andreas

Love pierced my wounded heart and as it split open, a reflection of myself spread across the endless horizon.  It was not a mirror image, but a collection of small particles of passion that had been hidden by the darkness in my heart. Then I was running across the dried parchment of past life, joyfully gathering each tiny piece, tucking it back into my heart.  

When full, I turned with love, and saw myself in your face.  I had never before felt a person loving me with such respect, strength and gentleness.  The man I called friend so many years ago, the one  with the resonating voice and the deep eyes beholding reverence for my soul, danced before me with open arms extending into eternity.

This renaissance man is my long awaited happy ending.  He intrigues me with his diversity, insight and willingness to invest laughter, romance, and dreams.   As I drift into his arms, I am no longer afraid, as he is my home.  He is the other half of me, soul mate if you will, and we weep with joy to be sharing this life together with sweet bliss for ever more.

Happy Birthday 
November 14, 1973 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Permission for Emotion

" ... there is still time to sink into the wisdom of the season
by making space for dreaming, honoring your ancestors,
or making something with your hands."
Kristen Roderick

The fall season tends to stimulate the creative abilities laying beneath the surface of our busy schedules. As the days tick by, the pressure of the holidays increase and materialism threatens to take over.  It takes effort to maintain the wisdom of our holidays.

Whether we tape a reddish gold leaf to our fridge or invest in a detailed collage, we will be more mindful of the purpose of our forthcoming days.  It doesn't require much time to gather a few photos of our great grandparents and a quick read on our heritage.  The country of origin might be displayed in specialty foods or ethnic decorations on the table.  

When we create with our hands, our minds embrace memories and our ancestors step in closer.  It shifts the holidays from purchases to a sense of oneness with our past and possible future.  As our family gathers, allow each person both young and old to share a memory, wish or gratitude.  Create a ritual by using numerous candles on the table urging others to light one as they feel moved to do so by the growing spirit around the table.  Grant permission for emotion to flow rathe than hidden in our hearts.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Acknowledge Thresholds

"It is wise in your own life to be able to recognize 
and acknowledge the key thresholds:   to take 
your time;  to feel all the varieties of presence 
that accrue there;  to listen inward with complete 
attention until you hear the inner voice calling 
you forward.   The time has come to cross."
John O'Donohue

Exposed to discrepancies in religious doctrine and family structures at an early age, I was prompted to become a seeker.  I was not interested in proving anyone wrong or right, but I was drawn to the  possibility of parallel explanations.  My motivation was to understand the conflicting information appearing to be so blatantly displayed before me.

Exceptions to the rule became a red flag to my comprehension of government laws or mandates of the church.   Abstinence or deliberate misuse of information seemed to pierce my skin as others simply looked the other way.  My trust in adults and those with power distorted the simplicity I was seeking.

My thirst for knowledge forged with my observation of the actions of others, and my education was highlighted by first hand experience.  I learned to pause before accepting truth;  to evaluate the source of information; and to listen to the emotions lingering behind the knowledge.  Alignment would come as I listened inwardly to the guidance of the divine.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Truths Deciphered

"I am thought.  I can see what the eyes cannot see.                             I can hear what  the ears cannot hear.                                I can feel what the heart cannot feel."                       Peter Nivio Zarlenga
Perception is integrated with all five senses:  taste, sight, touch, smell and sound.  This sounds remedial; however, the depth of power or the lack of recognition we share with these signs alters our comprehension significantly.  Our awareness streams from high alert down to numbness or total lack of awareness.
An individual may see an action repeatedly in their mind which once caused trauma, but be unaware of the impact to the other senses.  We may not be aware of the smell of gasoline or cologne which may be triggered in the future.  Adjusting to the memory of horror, we may overlook the taste of dirt or blood in our mouth.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder highlights the reoccurrence of original sound or touch in later life situations.
It is important to remember our perceptions are generally tainted by filters from previous situations.  This is why it is imperative to truly examine our opinions or philosophies and to listen to others with a clean slate, not colored by our own experiences.  Every day we are bombarded by the reactions of the five senses which automatically are absorbed in our conscious or subconscious minds.  Perhaps this is why there are so many truths deciphered from a standard script.   

Friday, November 10, 2017

Other Worldliness

"I want to make poems / that look into the earth and heavens /
and see the unseeable.  I want them to honor / both the heart of
faith, and the light of the world; / the gladness that says without
any words, everything."
Mary Oliver

Once it was difficult to leave the chaos of life behind, to still the mind and tune out all noises.  With repetition one masters the ability to escape into the outer skirts of the physical life and slip through the veil for a moment into other worldliness.

Discovery behind the veil, however, avoids translation into words.  One returns ecstatic with emotions peeked and yet no vocabulary exists to describe the lofty moments.  Insights perceived have been sacredly absorbed into our spiritual being leaving us to question if the experience happened at all.

Spiritual beings have taken on the task of human experience.  The importance is to impact the physical with our spiritual understandings to improve the world.  In order to do this, one must remain grounded and be an active participant of this lifetime.  Escape behind the veil is a time for remembering why we really are here.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Faces on the Subway

"The hard knocks of life can turn us
into rigid, tight-lipped, and tense humans."
Azriel Re'Shel

Riding the subway, we can observe the faces of fellow travelers.  There are those who   commute with eyes closed or ear buds discreetly tucked into their ears hoping to block out the world.  The eyes are sometimes focused up high on an advertisement, but one quickly realizes the mind has traveled a far greater distance.

iPads and iPhones are an excellent escape for those not wanting human exchanges.  Games are played, work is in the last stage of completion or the plot of the book has sucked all attention in.  It is a private segment allowing transition into the reality of life at the end of the day.

The faces that are totally impassive as though they had been chiseled in stone are the greatest concern.  They appear as though they have long ago pushed past all emotion and are existing in a cold isolation of nothingness.  Their life has been spent, their hearts hollowed, and death would be welcomed.  An impetuous hug generates a tear that runs down the startled face, as the impulsive stranger exits the train, fading into the crowd.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What Change May Come

"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.
The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same."

If we roll back life to its bare essence, we find a force evolving and thriving.  Call this force what you will, but it is present in all elements, earth, wind, fire, and water.  This force or energy, continuously shifts with loving intention for all living forms to flourish.

We have choices and these choices trigger either negative or positive behaviors.  We can get stuck in drama or we can accept our actions as mistakes rather than failures.  As time passes, we leave our past, but retain the lessons.  We disallow fear of the future.  When we are mindful of life's goodness, abundance fills the present moment in prolific non-material ways.

Through visualization, we can tap into the depth of all things.  We gain a sense of oneness and experience the peace and calm our life was meant to be.  Competition and comparison fade away and the necessity of responsibility and accountability become quite clear.  In life itself, we are connected with this force and hopefully we will choose to move forward with an open heart enduring what change may come.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Up Close and Personal

"I love deadlines.  
I love the whooshing noise 
they make as they go by."
Douglas Adams
The Salmon of Doubt

My best writing is never created under pressure.  In a controlled situation with an assigned topic, I choke every time.  I feel confined and oppressed.  Words do not come rushing from my heart.  My emotions are confused and nothing joins together to make sense.

Let me take a walk in nature and I will be immediately free to write joyfully.  Engage me in a favorite topic and I can barely wait to get home to spin a few sentences together.  Captured in old time script, my imagination gallops until I am depleted.  

Ink flows with segments of what I know to be true.  I thirst after inhaling inspiring poetry, running to quench my dry palate with flourishing words.  To journal a dream will trigger insights and meditation will reap new perceptions.  The pen runs dry when a subject is impaled upon me without any sense of connection.  My writing tends to be more up close and personal.   

Monday, November 6, 2017

Spoken Silently


"I think if I weren't a writer, I might cease to exist,
or anyway shrink down to a single-celled organism
like a slime mold."
Kim Addonizio
The Palace of Illusions

Books were my earliest companions.  I memorized storybook pictures and coveted old volumes with colorful margins.  Eventually, I learned to read and my passion for books roared.  Although I do not remember when I began writing, there was a collection of childhood diaries spanning across numerous years.  

Prior to high school, I wrote stories about people and places I had never known.  As challenges entered my life in high school years, emotion took over my writing.  It became very dark and harsh.  Nothing that I would ever want to show anyone.  My reading continued with books such as:  "Your God is Too Small" and "The Hound of Heaven" both life saving.  Eventually, my words began to turn to light.

I am spell bound by the wisdom of ancient history and quotations from various authors.  My writing has developed into a flow of inner yearnings and self expression.  Words encourage me and visions create an endless landscape for self-discovery.  Although my life story is down to the last chapters, my compassion for others and respect for my whole self will continue to flourish through my voice either written or spoken silently.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Hibernation Blesses Me

"I may not have gone where I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up where I need to be."
Douglas Adams
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul

Darkness falls earlier and I experience my energy pulling inward. The weather has turned cold and the sun remains hidden for days. It dawns on me that I am in the early stages of hibernation as I have been withdrawing aspects of my self.   I am recoiling from the outside world and preparing for my inward winter's journey.

I begin to store things inside of me like a hollowed tree ... insights, visions, wisdom.  I have dropped sunny pursuits just as the leaves have fallen from the trees.   My deeply placed roots are prepared to nurture me and my quilt and fireplace are my thickened bark to brace against the winter snow.

In winter's solitude my journals reflect where I have been and a new list of manifestation takes form.  With gathered energy, my creativity has greater depth and richer hues.  Every present moment is filled with grandeur ignorant of any sense of time.  Whether I write, paint or sketch, hibernation blesses me with a greater sense of self ... the extroverted/hermit (oxymoron).

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Lover Forever More

"how do you describe the joy
of being with someone for
no other reason but to be?"
terri st cloud
bone sigh arts

Experiencing dire changes in life, I told myself to move forward, knowing I had not returned to this world for wounds that scare me.  Trial and error repeated itself, as my heart continued to break open facing the present moment in darkness. My parts were all scattered, yet stitched together like a crazy quilt. 
I discovered the depths of letting go and the stages of forgiveness before I carved the timber of my voice.  I  stood alone and marveled at the worthiness and value building within me.  I accepted my collaboration of experiences as my true world and discarded both past and future.  
And here I stand today,  joined with the love I thought would never arrive.  I have finally come home to where I can fully be me.  I am loved, respected and deeply rooted with my renaissance man from yesteryear.  My friend from long ago, now lover forever more.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Sculpting Inner Landscapes

"Reading gives us someplace to go
when we have to stay where we are."
Mason Cooley

Pearl S. Buck, born to Chinese missionaries, was the  first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for THE GOOD EARTH and also won the Nobel Prize for her literature.   She brought exceptional attention to Asian cultures through her biographical fiction.  An advocate for women's rights she also highlighted support for Asian and mixed race adoptions.  Her books raised my awareness in high school.

Chaim Potok, born to Jewish immigrants from Poland, received numerous awards for his novels and was exceptionally accomplished in special projects in addition to his education.  As an orthodox Jew, he explored challenges between his family's culture and  his love for art and writing.    He also wrote about the value in differences between Orthodox and Hasidic Jews.  His career accomplishments included:  Author, Editor, Rabbi, Professor, and Artist.  Chaim Potok's work expressed the human experience in unforgettable ways, expanding my perceptions of childhood impacting adulthood.

Numerous authors welcomed me into a broad spectrum of reincarnation, life after death,  parallel lives, and non-denominational Divine Spirit, such as:  Jess Stearn, Taylor Caldwell,  Jane Roberts,  Machaelle Small Wright; Richard Bach,  Khalil Gibran, Mary Stewart, and Shakti Gawain.  There was always an enchanted place to visit with these authors.  Before the age of 30, I decided to invest my time in learning about the spiritual side of human nature forsaking romantic novels and horror stories.   What we choose to read sculpts are inner landscapes.