Saturday, November 18, 2017

Corners of the Mouth

"Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that."
Maulana Rumi

When friends detect a decline in our wealth of happiness, suggestions are overwhelmingly offered from getting a massage to a trip to the beach.  We listen, but in our decreasing enthusiasm, a decision of any kind sounds like too much effort or too much money. 

When we focus on the simple things in life, there are unlimited uplifting gestures requiring very little from us.  Studies reveal time spent in nature to be one of the easiest mood changers available.  Forget the park and step bare footed into the back yard.  Fix a cup of tea in a treasured cup recalling fond memories. Sit in a chair taking deep breaths to expand the lungs and release disruptive thoughts lingering in the brain.   Lather a favorite lotion on legs and feet while deeply rubbing fingers into the skin.  Find a favorite book and skim through favorite passages.
What personally lifts the corners of our mouth?  Is it a place, person, or thing that surfaces in the mind?
There are a variety of things to lift our spirit if we just remember what they are.  In happier states of mind, we can make a simple list of nurturing gestures and keep it handy on a cell phone, computer or journal.  Then when we are feeling a little lesser than, we can turn to the list and immediately calm ourselves with predetermined actions.

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