Monday, September 4, 2017

Within Your Beating Heart

"He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hand and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and head and his heart is an artist."  
Francis of Assisi

Define your lovely self.  Are you a laborer working with hands alone or a craftsman combining hands with head or an artist working with hand, head, and heart?  Do you pour love into your work or bitterness and resentment?  Does the work you labor over reflect any particular part of your self?

Agreed, there are times you must labor for the sake of earnings to perpetuate your art, but have you lost your passion?  Are you still connected to your dream?  Artistic flair may come out while reading your child a bed time story.  Inspiration may be triggered while watching your elder kneed dough or cut fresh noodles.  Desire may erupt by observing the devotion of one other.

If your life does not have a spin, a reflex of excitement nor room for a brief feeling of glee, you my love, are out of alignment.  What do you do my lovely, that is just for you?  Do you even know what makes your heart sing?  It is there, within your beating heart, waiting ....

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