Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Improve Human Existence

"The mental mist of ambiguity
and the fog of ambivalence
hamper human existence."   
Kilroy J. Oldster

To the wilting garden the need of water is apparent.  To the older homeowner, the sagging roof needs repair.  To the teacher with the rebellious child, the absence of loving care is apparent.  While observing the world around us, there is lack to be noticed.

What if we had a way to immediately address lack both big and small?  Imagine if we had a magic wand to anonymously offer good in any and all situations.  Sense the call as our eyes roam throughout our day.

Whether we call them prayer, energy, or magic, we have the tools to assist.  All we need to do is be aware of need and ask for goodness.  As we offer the prayer or energy for support, together we all contribute. The burst of miracle we may never see nor know, but when we give of ourselves, we will all prosper.

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