Sunday, September 3, 2017

Disruptions And Altering The Course

"In these times, I don't, in a manner of speaking,
know what I want; perhaps, I don't want what I know
and want what I don't know."  
Marsilio Ficino

To think of human beings starving to death, dying in wars, and falsely imprisoned hurts my heart.  Deeply, I am bothered by children not having a bed to sleep in, not having food nor clean safe living. I am confused by states running out of money while millions are spent on personal gain or reflective glory.  

I don't understand a person or persons labeling themselves a christian while making racist comments or excluding those in need from a realm of safety.  Abuse, whether physical, emotional or spiritual falls upon innocents by the very ones frequently in charge of safety.

Negligence of integrity and a false mask of honor tend to wield power over others less fortunate.  Creative intelligent young minds discover preventive medicine and cures for current disabilities and yet they are squashed by big business.  Harmful disruptions are heart breaking, and I unable to alter the course.  

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