Friday, December 19, 2014

Playing Opossum

"With unfailing kindness, your life always presents
what you need to learn.  Whether you stay at home or 
work in an office or whatever, 
the next teacher is going to pop right up."

Charlotte Joko Beck

To experience a Master is very powerful experience, but teachers come in all forms and sizes.  A variety of lessons are learned without us even realizing we are being taught.  If we are unaware or not living in the present, situations escape us. Some of the best lessons are portrayed by a young child or a creature of nature and not by a world shaking event.

I had just finished my coffee and was rinsing out my cup, when I looked outside through the kitchen window and observed an opossum delicately walking across our privacy fence.  It was broad day light and opossums are nocturnal.  So was this a teacher for me?  

I immediately turned to Ted Andrews magnificent book, ANIMAL-SPEAK and searched the resource for opossums.  The questions triggered were spot on:  Are you acting in an inappropriate manner (not being true to myself); Do you need to strengthen your appearance (stop body image criticism); Are others trying to divert your attention (allowing distractions from my heart's desire); and,  Is it time for a new strategy (personal discipline will advance my journey).  I have a destructive habit of keeping myself small (playing opossum) or minimizing my value. Message received, thank you very much.

Granted, every neighbor could have seen this animal and each one could have differing responses or none at all.  It is really a matter of us being in the moment, eyes open, and receiving the messages that are so freely given. Our lives are enriched on a daily basis if we but embrace the world surrounding us.  By doing so, we feel a part of the Universe, connected and not separate. 

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