Thursday, December 18, 2014

Difficult Decisions

"When we do not know what choice to make,
our best bet is to search our heart for the act
that would be most in harmony
 with our most important ideals, 
and to act on the high standard."

Alan Cohen

Ego enjoys keeping us undecided.  It highlights the wisdom of the Universe, which allows us to feel separate and unwise.  Truth is, the Universe abounds with knowledge, but if we choose to look within ourselves as well, we will find many insights and answers.  We can scan our heart for wisdom gathered from previous lessons, and filter out information that best resonates with who we truly are in this moment.

If we base decisions only on our past, our actions can be tainted by old wounds and attitudes we no longer possess.  When we look through our heart, we can make decisions that resonate with who we are today.  As we continue to evolve and grow, we also adjust our personal code of honor to reflect those very changes.  

When we react too quickly, using an outdated bases for a decision, we can use our voice by saying, "You know, that is not going to work for me.  Let me amend my decision."  There is strength, not weakness, in tempering our decisions.  A flexible attitude projects fairness; whereas, rigid thinking often leads to narrow thinking.  

If we are perplexed and someone is demanding an answer, a very good response would be:  "If you need an immediate answer right now in this moment, it is no.  If, however, you can allow me a little time to think this over, I may be more open minded."  We can give ourselves permission to not know and to allow more time for us to find harmony between our thoughts, words, and actions. 

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