Saturday, December 20, 2014

Craziness In Our Head

"The mind is its own place, 
and in itself can make a heaven of hell,
a hell of heaven."

John Milton

Holidays trigger emotions within our families, within our surrounding environments, and within our thoughts.  We worry about buying the right gift, returning to old dysfunctional places, and whether or not we are going to measure up.

We may find ourselves in a perfect scenario, a dream come true, but if allowed, ego can trigger our fears and ruin the glory around us.  When our minds are filled with fear, we can choose to  gently uncoil into a safe moment to regain appropriate balance.

Stop the craziness!  Stay in the present moment and deeply feel the connection with life and all parts of the self.  We are no longer a child, and we can give ourselves permission to turn down invitations or abbreviate visits, if it will help us to stay positive and clear thinking.  We have choice, and as an adult, we can shoulder the responsibility of decision making and live with the results

When we do not stay connected in the real world (grounded), our ego takes flight sprinkling fear throughout our moments, days, and nights, creating full blown craziness in our heads.  If we find our minds 'making crazy', we need to become honest and identify what is the cause of our discomfort.

Every morning we can set an intention to stay in the moment and maintain our sense of peace.  Drama will fall away when we no longer invest in it.  Our thinking will remain positive and we will no longer be a sponge absorbing negativity.

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