Saturday, November 29, 2014

"This or Something Better"

"Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; 
reality can be attained only be someone who is detached."

Simone Weil

When we are attached to objects, ideas, and outcomes, we prevent ourselves from moving forward in a natural rhythm.  Our movement is obscured or weighted down which creates distraction,  faulty direction, and chaotic steps.  As we withdraw our energy from attachments, we have power to be creatively expanded.

There is no need to throw all of our possessions away, but we do need to release our attachment to them.  They are 'things' to make our lives easier or more comfortable, but the importance of life will not  be found in attachment to gathered objects.  We need to be unattached, and maintain our focus on what is really important.  

The attachment to an idea also becomes a barrier from expanding our thoughts into other possibilities.  If we are rigid in thought, we are not open to new and different insights.  We  become stagnant in our thinking and do not live life as fully as one who is open to wonderment.

When we cling to a specific outcome, and exclude all other possibilities,  the Universe hears one and only one option.  Spirit can work miracles if we weren't quite so rigid in expectations.  How much easier it is for the Divine to choose the very best for us, rather than following our human script.  We need to have intentions, but it is important to include the phrase, "This or something better."  

Detached from secured property, mindsets, and expectations, it is easier for Spirit to move us around rather than pursuing one detailed script.  Our attachments keep us too small, restricted, and less inspired.  New possibilities appear readily if we are willing to let go of the old,  which creates space for the new.  

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