Sunday, November 30, 2014

Magic, Lingering on the Edge of Perception

"Whatever its form,
this divine impulse is with us all the time,
trying to get our attention,
wanting us to make our choices
from the highest place.
Either we can hear it or we can resist it."

Debbie Ford

There is a certain thought that is niggling at the back of the brain, desperately trying to get attention.  A phrase keeps popping up on the radio, in the newspaper, and discussions.  A stranger appears on the muted horizon, and then appears several more times within one day.  A dream experience surfaces as sleep fades away, and although the dream is different from the last remembered, the theme is the same.

Whether our preference is for Angels, God, Goddess, or Divine, there is an intelligence clearly present in our lives both imaginable and beyond belief.  The patience used to attract attention is immeasurable. In some situations, if listening, a hefty "Sigh" can be heard as once again the Divine point is missed.

We are such children ... learn and forget; run fast, nothing is heard; get stuck, cry; and experience magnificent images dulled by the passing of time.  If we neglect to act on a heart's desire, our mind talks us out of it.  We minimize our worth and distribute energy to negative scenarios, and we are left with very little  connection to the magic lingering on the edge of perception.

If life seems to be dull and mundane, begin to notice the Divine presence during all parts of the day.  
Welcome awareness with an open mind and loving heart.  Hear the messages loud and clear.  Ponder how this wisdom can be used to live life more fully.

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