Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Spark of Light

"To travel into the spiritual realms within, the spark of the Divine
is ignited to propel our soul on the inner journey."
Rajinder Singh

Travel expenditures are minimal when you travel inward. It costs nothing to sit alone without lengthy preparation. Like any other learning experience, you need to practice so that your brain knows to quiet and your body recognizes the inactive positioning. Begin to feel an inner presence, a light if you will, that symbolizes whatever you name as Divine.

As you master the practice of stillness, a deeper knowing surfaces. You are not thinking as much as you are holding the self present. Imagine a light which is the essence of self growing. It can be near the heart or third eye chakra. In this quietude, you begin to notice a pulsing. Connection is experienced as is silent communication.

In this created space, you can be open hearted towards surfacing information. It can be self reflective of current situations or projective as to where your heart needs to go. In time you will learn to work with this light, expanding and contracting. Sending this lovely light out into the world heightens physical experience while holding it inward, heals.

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