Thursday, July 4, 2024

Out of Body Bliss and Joy

"Hope is being able to see that there is light
despite all of the darkness.
Desmund Tutu

Glance up towards the sky watching darkness become the back drop for illuminating light. Even without hearing all of the loud booming noises, the light quite exquisitely speaks for itself. Focus attention on the spontaneous bursts of brightness, feeling a connection with the magnificence luminosity.

With the mind's eye, reach out to these lights dancing up in the sky. Open imagine to the possibility of communication. Quietly listen for fragments that when strung together become a whole. Let the heart open to the illumination and notice if you can feel a connection with the non-physical world through the explosions in the sky.

With the excitement of a child, feel lifted out of the body becoming absorbed by the lightening of the sky. Get lost in wonderment and possibility, absorbed by the love of the Divine. During these bursts of wonder, slip past self erected boundaries and limitations, experiencing out of body bliss and joy.


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