Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Searching for Truth


                      "Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."                            Buddha

There was a time I believed that the truth was set in stone, never changing, and everlasting dependable. I began to notice, however, my own truth became amended and opened to  new perspectives. At times I drew a line claiming, "Never", only to alter my thinking as life began to happen to me.

Truth as I knew it guided me, but figuring in mindfulness and enlightenment, new understandings presented. Whether agreeing or not, at least I could see how one shoe didn't necessarily fit everyone's foot. If I paid close attention, discernment alerted me to the inconsistencies of truths being told to me.

Truth as I know it governs how I live, but there needs to be room for the interpretation of others who are living a completely different life. There seems even when there is one great truth, it is translated differently in languages, cultures, and behaviors. I will hold my truth closely with honor and respect, while offering the same to others.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Pockets of Hope

"The seeds of great discoveries are constantly 
floating around us."
Joseph Henry 

If the mind is open to possibility, wisdom floats in carried by fragrances, color, music, and dreams. When deeply into resistance, our mind is snapped shut and roots are steeped in rigidity. Stress will exhaust you and drain your energy. The key of course is opening the mind while dropping preconceived ideas. 

Gently close the eyes while imagining your body floating like a lotus flower. Let the gentle water support your tired limbs. Think of a beautiful sky above you and expansive trees lining the path of the stream. Sense the presence of calm relaxing the body, mind, and soul. Even if just for a few moments, this will soothe your rough edges.

The simplest nurturing can reduce hyper activity, allowing the mind peaceful exploration. Instead of being overcome by fear, calm relaxes you into positive speculation. Even in the worst scenario, you can find pockets of hope escorting you through challenge and into new beginnings.



Monday, July 29, 2024

Energy Shifts

"Positivity brings about a peace of mind which in turn
relaxes your whole being."
Suman Arora 

There is a shift in energy right now from a negative heaviness to a positive uplifting. We have moved from a sense of doom to a hope for peaceful possibilities. Taking back a sense of power,  there is a new effort for unified correction and rightful recognition. It is within this unity that we can create what is good for all.

Today is no longer about divide and conquer through force and manipulation. The focus is about banding together to help all peoples, and the environment. As our hearts realign with respect and honor, the energy becomes higher in frequency. The heaviness of low vibrations will no longer pull us down.

While we maintain a sense of hope, our spirits lift an we turn to a greater sense of community, As we help each other rather than isolating in despair, happiness and joy activate powerful movement. Small individual acts by many will certainly be making a difference in a nation we can once again be proud of. 


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Regardless of Gender


"Balance is not something you find,
it's something you create."
Jana Kingsford

Searching for pictures to reflect balance between feminine and masculine energies, I looked for the category of women in power. Here I found numerous sexy pictures of young and shapely women. In the category for men in power, I found muscle bound men often carrying guns. This is not how I imagine genders in power.

Human beings have both masculine (assertiveness and strength) and feminine (sensitivity and creativity) energies. It is key to balance both sides within us, knowing when to be gentle and when to be assertive. Maintaining alignment between the two, allows us to flow back and forth as needed.

Images need to be changed as our culture shifts from a male dominated culture. There is no need for a matriarchal style either. The goal is for each person to work with each other towards compassion, diversity, and tolerance. Regardless of gender, we can create an existence where all peoples are allowed to thrive. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024



"The most common way people give up their power
is by thinking they do not have any."
Alice Walker

The woman attended her reunion which stirred up a lot of old memories and unresolved issues. She marveled at her self when assessing who she used to be compared to who she was today. In parting, a class mate rudely commented at how entitled this woman now acted saying it thickly laced with criticism and judgment.

Taken a back by the comment, the woman quickly asked herself if this was true to any degree. She had been knocked off balance and felt shame. That is, of course, until she was once again ready to reclaim the personal power that she had gained throughout numerous years of transformation. 

As we rediscover ourselves, shedding old cultural limitations, and dysfunctional family patterns, our energy increases and embraces diverse options: physically, mentally, and spiritually. To radiate strength with an open heart we share, help, and accept others, believing in our ability to make a difference in our world.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Magical Release

"When you do things from your soul,
you feel a river moving in you, a joy."

What is your outlet for when you experience overwhelm? Is it food, exercise, or withdrawal? Where do you go? Do you have a safe place like a trusted friend or favorite place in nature? Perhaps you escape to a mall, gym or bar. Where will you feel energized, returning to alignment?

It is beneficial to feed our soul on a regular basis, rather than waiting until we are distraught. Whether a small gesture like lighting a tea light or stepping outside to embrace the sun, the moon or the stars. Sometimes just a gentle breeze or a floating cloud can magically release our heaviness.

The moon is my constant. No matter what lunar phase the moon is in, it continuously welcomes me, reminding me how fluent life really is. Moon energy stirs my inner being, encouraging me. The moon visits darkness, but successfully reclaims its full essence. We must learn by example and do the same. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Darkness Falls Behind

"We've all got both light and dark inside us.
What matters is the part we choose to act on."
J.K. Rowling

The more we hide ourselves from others, the less we are understood. Keeping silent gives the impression that we are in agreement. The longer we hide the self, the greater the divide. We cannot fully expand into a new persona while fearing the judgment of others. Release the need for approval and have faith in the journey.

It is counterproductive to restrain the self from adjusting to our personal change. Sharing our journey can be difficult, but if we drop expectations for approval, speaking freely, our passion will grow. Maintaining boundaries, we can bring our new light out into the world slowly and effectively.

It is a false programming to believe that we need to keep things to ourselves. We fear others will not understand resulting in unwanted criticism. It is true that our disclosures need to be aired in a safe space and the timing can be flexible. However, if we continue to be drawn forward into the light, darkness falls behind.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Releasing Poison

"Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside."
Mitch Albom

Anger is a secondary emotion. First, we feel a sensation, and if it is too painful to address,  we immediately shift to anger. Anger is a blanket that covers the real issue. Instead of addressing what is hurting us, we repress it and skirt the real issue at hand. We may avoid our emotional pain, but it remains under the surface festering. 

What we withhold becomes septic. We over react to outside issues, skirting the original subject. Perhaps our culture has trained us not to speak out and we fear rejection. Adding insecurity to the mix, our body begins to react ... sick to the stomach, headache, depression. Our spiritual nature takes a hit and there may be a sense of total disconnect. 

As soon as anger is present, we can ask what is beneath this or what is really at the heart of the matter? Uncover the core and give it voice. Whether we write it down or share with a friend or scream into a pillow, we begin to release and heal. When we give ourselves permission to articulate, whether right or wrong, our sense of value returns.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hide Me Under A Bushel, No ...

"I am such a complex person. I have so many layers
of my personality to choose from." 
Lykke Li 

A flower garden filled with abundant colors draws my attention. Similarly, a person with a multi-sided personality captivates me. Life can be a maze leading me into unexpected turns having no sense of final destination. From each twist, I have the option of learning, creating, and applying diverse aspects of the self.

Cultivating healthy responses to life's drama, I struggle, persevere, and unfold. So much energy is required, I am not willing to hide my journey. I desire to fully step into all parts of my self, and experience personal power. Investing in my self, I will protect my gains by choosing those who offer compassion, integrity, and acceptance of who I am.

Relationships require flexibility, and a willingness to be open to diverse opinions. I remember that others want to be appreciated just as much as I do. I aim to greet others with respect even if I do not understand. Whether zeroing in on a certain layer or scanning the entire self, I yearn for freedom, peace and spiritual recognition.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Never Too Late For Love

"Gather the rose of love whilst yet is time."
Edmund Spenser

It is never too late to experience the bliss of love. Suddenly, you feel seen and in spite of this, accepted. Loneliness eases away, and deep connection entwines the two spirits, but leaves each of you as individuals. Together two become a union, yet free to pursue the life you were meant to live.

When you love someone, the intention is not to give them a make over or to lose the self by trying to fulfill his or her every need. You support, encourage, and nurture each other while maintaining personal identity. If you find yourself feeling  criticized and judged, perhaps the relationship needs to be reevaluated. 

Together in love, a sense of home is created. A safe space where each can be honest and genuine. You are able to freely use your voice and express both concerns and joy. The coupling is not defined by the past or expectations of the future. Love opens the eyes becoming portals where only love abides.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Element of Connection

"Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads."
Henry David Thoreau

Whether looking at the rising sun or observing stars in the sky, one can feel a spiritual connection. Not only can beauty be seen, but power can also be felt. We can feel humbled by the magnitude of such an experience. An element of connection with all things can also be felt whether placing our feet upon the ground or glancing into nature.

As we escape into the tranquil view, all else feels as though it is falling away. We experience a sense of calm and our minds grow still. It is within these spaces of altered time that messages flow in and out of our consciousness. The impossible challenges waiting for us no longer instill fear.

Experiencing an element of peace, the opportunity for introspection increases. Without drama or pressure, one views life from a different standpoint with curiosity and wonderment. Sensing the presence of spirit, we open to the magic of possibility. We break free of cultural conditioning and take a leap in faith.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Open Communication

"Prayer is talking to the Universe.
Meditation is listening to it."
Tao and Zen

There was a time I saved my prayers for church. I depended upon ministers to intervene on my behalf and trusted priests would convey what my heart could not express. In time, I discovered the benefits of using my voice and patiently waiting for guidance. The more I trusted my self, the more open I became.

Not only are there numerous themes to prayer, there are various languages in which we can speak. Inspiration can present itself in a temple, subway, or grassy knoll. Reciting a formalized religious devotion is a far cry from spontaneous verbiage streaming from the core of our heart.

No matter where we are or what we have to express, a vital ingredient of prayer is listening for response. Not just hearing, but listening. Open the full body to experience a spiritual exchange. The fragrance of flowers, the movement of trees and the songs of  birds can gently offer response. Expecting a bolt of lightning from God limits communication. 


Friday, July 19, 2024

In Our Own Skin

"Belonging is a strong and natural human need,
like food and shelter."
Desmond Tutu

It is a false belief that we must alter who we are in order to be accepted. We might think so little of ourselves that we believe it is impossible to fit in. When we are dependent upon others for a sense of belonging, our sense of security waffles with the smallest movement. Without being grounded within, we will topple and fall.

When diligent about unpacking our baggage and healing our scars, we become comfortable in our own skin. We are more apt to be open to diversity while stretching our knowledge about the self and others. When a sense of home and belonging exists within we can be less dependent upon others.

As our strengths are discovered and utilized, the need to change for the sake of blending in dissipates. While humbly being the best we can be, we begin to attract like minded souls who support and encourage us. Living as an authentic human being, we can enjoy our solitude and engage with others while unfolding into a higher sense of self.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

That's What We Do

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does."
Serena Williams

It takes courage to open a door and bravery to close one. If and when we choose to approach the door again, we may find that it is hanging from the hinges and that there is nothing left behind it. Standing on our own two feet requires determination and drive. We must accept that all of our choices have not been good ones.

When we present as having strength and confidence, others do not realize that each one of us needs, at times, support and encouragement. Just having a person listen to us makes a huge difference in our fortitude. Perhaps as a capable person, we need to become our own best friend and believe in our capabilities. 

Inside, we know only too well that we became strong straddling divides, mounting impossible heights, and jumping into oblivion. There are times when we get tired of being strong. Reviewing the past, however, we are reminded of the rewards when we didn't give up and that success can be temporary. If we fall, we get back up. That's what we do.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

On Top!

"Instead of being hard on herself for starting
over and over, she decided to applaud
herself for never giving up."
Healing Meme Therapy

When we stop viewing set backs as failures, we will be less likely to veer off course. Adjusting our perception from defeat to opportunity, life flows smoothly. Shifting from reaction to action, our emotions remain appropriately balanced and our mind can begin creating new scenarios.

When we remain positively focused with flexibility, our inner critic loses voice and spontaneous speculations prevail. Instead of being buried at the bottom of upheaval, we can stand on top of our problems, looking down at how they can be solved. The sooner we adjust to the ebb and flow, our spirit rises to new heights.

Once inner voices are calmed, we have more energy to view our strengths and how they will assist us in moving forward. Without fear of failure, there is freedom to define how we can best align our dreams with reality. Accepting that we may have limited control, we learn to be patient and apply resolve with the information on hand. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Renaissance Man's Birthday

"You cannot teach a man anything,
you can only help him find it within himself."

Today, I celebrate the birthday of a true Renaissance Man. He is not singularly focused nor does he have just one life skill. Physically, he has a runner's body with legs that demand attention. Mentally, he shares and reflects diverse knowledge willingly shared on the level of the listener. Spiritually, his persona is laced with integrity, respect, and open heartedness.

He displays a resilience to face life's obstacles with determination and a perseverance to take hardship in stride. He remains humble, presenting as just any other guy. Listening is an unbelievable strength that compares only with his ability to accurately recall details. He can sit quietly while emanating safe space for others.

He self sustains as an avid reader, prolific lover of music and exceptional chef. Varying avenues are used as he  reciprocates kindness back to those crossing his path. Although he is a quiet man, he is not silent. His essence permeates into a peaceful communication that continues to bless my soul. 


Monday, July 15, 2024

Daunting Scenarios


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through 
experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, 
ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller

The automatic response to change is often resistance. Even if the occurrence  is beneficial, the sudden shift in the unknown triggers fear. Instead of searching for resolution, our energy is used to resist the circumstances. If we are able to redirect our focus to what might be accomplished through the dilemma, a lesson is learned.

When we face life with confidence and persevere the search for healthy adjustment, we will learn and prosper, even when the event is negative. It is when we repress our true feelings and resist reality that damage impacts our body, mind and spirit. When we ignore the temptation to remain stuck, we can readjust our intentions and go the distance.

If we are patient and rebuild our strength, passion will return for creating a better understanding and experience of life. Resilience will return and we can attain newly created goals that results in a higher belief in ourselves. We will feel courageous discovering new tools to propel us forward through daunting scenarios.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Silence of a Friend ...

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends."
Martin Luther King Jr

Change is inevitable as is the ripple effect that follows. Not only are we individually impacted, those around us feel a shift in our energy as well. No one tends to be comfortable with shifts as  disturbances in a created flow disrupt our sense of security. Ideally, those surrounding us will cheer our movement, but be warned, this is not always the case.

Loyal friends may want what is best for us, but at the same time, they honestly do not want anything to change. When the crease is deep enough, separation may ensue. We must not stumble without the support of friendships, but believe in the self enough to continue with unforseen forward movement.

It is difficult to release a friendship that has existed for decades. We may experience great sadness or even anger when we are not celebrated upon our new path. Eventually, we can choose to muster loving kindness, while treasuring fond memories. The extraction of people are often times painful, but necessary while making room for new beginnings. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Little Space, Please ...

"We need to give each other the space to grow,
to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity."
Max de Pree

Create your own space to embrace inner vibrations detecting deposits of personal skill and diversity. Give the self stillness to increase awareness of where you need to gather and what you need to release. Distance the self from criticism and judgment whether it comes from those surrounding you or from within. 

Seek knew horizons while opening to flashes of insight depicting hidden desires. As you shine new light into personal life mystery, do not scoff at challenges deeming them to be impossible. Inner communication once edited, will build self confidence, curiosity, and the desire to stretch and grow. Enthusiasm will change your life.

There is so much to learn, and life will deepen when opportunity is blended with skill and creative imagination. Explore the possibility of enjoying who you are without striving to meet the expectations of others.As creative prosperity unfolds, you will experience healing, dignity, and joy of being a diverse element in the presence of others.

Friday, July 12, 2024


"Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself."
George Bernard Shaw

Crying, she felt the heaviness of disillusionment, loss, and fear. She wandered in the darkness trying to shield her inner light from strong winds while trying to keep moving forward. Untethered from all outer sense of knowing, she decided that this time she would listen to her own voice while carving a fresh new path forward.

All was lost, so there was only a new beginning that stretched before her. She felt as though that this time, she would meet her own needs and use her own authentic skills. Her energy gained momentum and began to propel her forward. Now, that it was less important as to where she was going, she focused on being grounded while allowing her spirit to fly.

Gathering new perspectives by being open to possibilities, she instinctively knew she could face whatever came her way. She began to experience happiness in each given moment, realizing it was coming from her. Splattering loving kindness as though it were paint, she created a mural of joy across the landscape of her life. 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Silence In The Heart

"It takes a sensitive ear to tune into the silence of the heart,
but it is there in each one of us."
Daily Om

We tend to identify our selves by association to our family, career, and community, all over shadowing our inner true nature. It is only when we identify with our heart center that we can feel secure in any given relationship or situation. Listening to the silence lingering in our heart, messages flourish. 

As we relax into our true nature, the silence within offers a communication connecting us to alignment. Once comfortable just 'being', we move forward with authentic power. Respecting the self, we are no longer drawn into unnecessary drama. Our building energy is the fuel for the soul.

Less time is wasted on roads we no longer wish to travel. Each step has meaningful movement towards authentic goals supporting our purpose. Time is given to honing our skills rather than wandering aimlessly. Through right action, our hearts are cleansed and healed allowing us to follow our intended path.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Take It Off


"Life begins at the end of you comfort zone."
Neale Donald Walsch

Whether hiding failure, illness, or deceit by wearing a mask, we will pay a price. There is a basic need to be understood, but wearing a disguise sends everyone in a false direction. When we project a persona contrary to our true nature, we will never enjoy true intimacy. As long as we conceal originality, every thing becomes misdirected.

When initiating change, it is difficult to believe in our true self. Fear may dance around us as we feel naked without our camouflage. Being comfortable in our own skin only comes when we push forward. Drop the mask. Just take it off and stand on strong legs that will lead to new discoveries, opportunities, and self-fulfillment.

Instead of holding a mask in  place, energy will be used to rekindle our heart's desire. Focusing inward, we allow light to shine upon insights, wisdom, and dreams. A spark of hope fuels our passion and we begin to soar into scenarios never before expected. Step through the fear and believe in the best life yet to be!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Identifying Emotional Chaos

"Learn how to walk away.
Learn how to de-escalate."
Ryan Holiday

Migraines returned and initiated a new pattern of subservience. Whether easing into a hot tub of water or placing ice packs on the brow, the throbbing continued to pulverize. Believing that the body reacts to what is being repressed, an exploration into the current level of emotional chaos pursued.

As a spiritual person, intentions are to be accepting and loving of others, but forgotten was the part about treating the self with the same compassion. Maintaining a purposeful life is beneficial, but hyper multi-tasking in over drive is detrimental. Ignoring personal limitations impacts the body, mind and soul.

As healthy change occurs, it is unrealistic to believe things will stay the same. Acceptance of the fact that others may not support this new altered version, redirection to new applications for stimulation increase. Daily headaches subside as the need to please and the desire to be accepted are minimized. Groom the self and gifts will thrive. 


Monday, July 8, 2024

Sense of Ecstasy

"Let your joy be in your journey ~

not in some distant goal."

Tim Cook

Just for today, think of something that brings you joy. Is it a person, a place, or a thing? It can be an imaginary vision or a projection of better things to come. Let us not wait for the future to come to us. Let us stop waiting and bring our needs to the surface and meet them best that we can.

Do you even know what would bring you joy? If so, what do you have to do to achieve it? If it is an impossible venture in this moment, break it down into segments and choose one to be manifested in this opening time and space. Simply close your eyes and allow your body to feel a sense of ecstasy running from head to toe.

Too often, we wait for someone else to provide us with joy. We may not even express our desire, and yet, expect it to be delivered.Today, in this moment, hold an image of joy, and determine how you can experience it. Even if it is a small piece, activate it and feel your lovely self expound.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Close The Gap

"The greatest distance between two people is misunderstanding."
Herbs, Health, Happiness

Careless words come our way, hurting our feelings, triggering doubt in a relationship. We say nothing, but harbor ill will inside of ourselves. Frequently, our mind drifts back replaying the circumstances and recreating the sting. We may choose to back away or blister in the presence of the one who cast the stone.

What if we held ourselves accountable, and addressed the situation as it arises? We could inquire if we had just misunderstood what was said or what was the statement based on. Facing the situation in the moment can be a short cut to immediate resolution, saving ourselves painful residue.

Frequently, what we hear as a personal attack, really has nothing to do with us. The words spoken are usually based in the speakers own dilemma and drama. When we challenge what we have just heard, we learn that we have projected our own issues upon someone else. Avoid building distance by questioning the moment.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Neglected Lessons

"If the house of the world is dark,
Love will find a way to create windows."

When will we ever honor the correlation between the world at large and our individual self? How long before we connect the dots between what we do to others directly or indirectly impacts the self? Where will we finally recognize the correlation between integrity, moral code, and peace? How is it that we neglect the lessons from our own history?

We can criticize local government and bad mouth community leaders, but if we were to remain silent, could we come up with positive actions that could be quietly administered without global expense? What if we quietly sat still pondering what we could personally do to bring help to our neighbors?

Look into the eyes of the wise ones and feel his or her inner peace. Become stimulated by sharing stories, produce from a garden or simple gestures to help others. Avoid frustration from swirling chaos and determine what specific difference we can make not in the voting booth, but in grocery store lines, traffic lanes, and strangers passing by.  


Friday, July 5, 2024

Designated Safe Space

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again."
Joseph Campbell

The location of a sacred space is not as important as privacy and safety. Whether you are wandering in nature or sitting in a cramped room, our inner spirit takes flight. Feeling safe is instrumental to visionary experiences, knowing you will not be interrupted or startled by physical surroundings.

Routinely visiting your designated safe place, you build confidence and quicker escape into the realms of your choosing. With practice, these surroundings and journeys become part of your life and identity. You learn to navigate slowly maintaining a sacred sense without rushing towards a specific goal. It is like visiting a temple for the soul.

Loitering in sacred space whether physical or imaginative, creates a safe haven where you can return to repeatedly. The more familiar, the faster the transition from a chaotic world to a  peaceful healing. If you do not create a spiritual connection lined with meaningful communication, you will wander the earth unsatisfied. 


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Out of Body Bliss and Joy

"Hope is being able to see that there is light
despite all of the darkness.
Desmund Tutu

Glance up towards the sky watching darkness become the back drop for illuminating light. Even without hearing all of the loud booming noises, the light quite exquisitely speaks for itself. Focus attention on the spontaneous bursts of brightness, feeling a connection with the magnificence luminosity.

With the mind's eye, reach out to these lights dancing up in the sky. Open imagine to the possibility of communication. Quietly listen for fragments that when strung together become a whole. Let the heart open to the illumination and notice if you can feel a connection with the non-physical world through the explosions in the sky.

With the excitement of a child, feel lifted out of the body becoming absorbed by the lightening of the sky. Get lost in wonderment and possibility, absorbed by the love of the Divine. During these bursts of wonder, slip past self erected boundaries and limitations, experiencing out of body bliss and joy.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Spark of Light

"To travel into the spiritual realms within, the spark of the Divine
is ignited to propel our soul on the inner journey."
Rajinder Singh

Travel expenditures are minimal when you travel inward. It costs nothing to sit alone without lengthy preparation. Like any other learning experience, you need to practice so that your brain knows to quiet and your body recognizes the inactive positioning. Begin to feel an inner presence, a light if you will, that symbolizes whatever you name as Divine.

As you master the practice of stillness, a deeper knowing surfaces. You are not thinking as much as you are holding the self present. Imagine a light which is the essence of self growing. It can be near the heart or third eye chakra. In this quietude, you begin to notice a pulsing. Connection is experienced as is silent communication.

In this created space, you can be open hearted towards surfacing information. It can be self reflective of current situations or projective as to where your heart needs to go. In time you will learn to work with this light, expanding and contracting. Sending this lovely light out into the world heightens physical experience while holding it inward, heals.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Inward Visions


"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into
your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, 
who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung

Sight is the ability to see the beauty of the world in various colors and shapes and the diversity of people. It gives us a sense of control as we can see the movement around us or the distance before us. We are educated by reading signs whether posted on a billboard or someone's face.

Vision escorts us inside to the unseen or beyond what is before us. It is a deeper experience gaining wisdom and insight. When we close our eyes, we are not distracted by the outside world. We take deep dives into realms of thought, feelings and emotions. Vision connects us deeper than simple vision.

As life allows us to settle down, we have increased time to turn inside to create our journey. We heighten intuition to guide us along our path that leads to our heart's desire. As we hold visions in silence, we can be carried beyond the physical world into the realms of possibility.