Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Without Anticipation


"We must remember how to honor and respect life with each 
breath, step, word, and thought. What you bless blesses you
in return. This is the power of reciprocity."
Sandra Ingerman

Thoughtful friends are a blessing in our lives. The ones who always seem to know just what we need or have the willingness to share. Whether it is a snippet of a poem or a tomato from the garden, the unexpected gesture nourishes our hearts. Often, such gestures are made without any anticipation for a return gift which enhances the thoughtfulness.

There are times when we are hiding our discomfort and a friend coincidentally shares a piece of inspiration which pinpoints our mood. Emotion may well up and therefore, we may not be able to say anything. It is never too late, however, at another time to say, "Thanks for your kind words the other day. They were just what I needed."

Life has shown me, repeatedly, to not give with the expectation of return. If we keep our responses or gestures lovingly simple, there is a freedom of happiness just in sharing. Actions may never be acknowledged by the recipient, but make no mistake ...  blessings will flow back into our lives when we least expect it. Humbly embrace unexpected arrivals.

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