Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Beautiful Discovery

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that
they can grow separately without growing apart."
Elisabeth Foley 

Competition within a relationship can be healthy as long as you are encouraging each other. The emphasis is not on the winning, but upon the journey together. When there is trust, we do not experience anxiety as our moving parts go in different directions. When we are able to expand and contract, the relationship thrives.

There is truth that we can outgrow some friends and situations, as we are hopefully forever changing. Contrarily, when we use the depths of communication, our transitions do not damage the bonds. When we can speak honestly, transitions and rebirthing can be a thread that strengthens our relationship.

When others are no longer aligned with our journey, it doesn't necessarily mean departure. As long as there is respect for each other and an atmosphere of support, things can continue to move forward. Distance can become a factor, but if we nurture each other, there is no need for a premature ending based upon distance. Reunions can be glorious!


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