Monday, February 19, 2024

Seeds of Peace

"We can learn to locate the seed of peace inside ourselves
in order to have a reliable source of serenity."
Daily Om

The means of nurturing the self need to evolve and be appropriate for our changing circumstances. Our bodies, minds, and souls are in a state of constant flux and applying the same thing repeatedly loses impact over time. It is imperative to discover new ways of cultivating seeds of peace to enhance the life experience. 

When we learn alternative ways to nurture, our inner peace grows.  By reclaiming our voice a greater sense of control is created. No longer remaining silent, we are expanding the sense of balance. Maintaining a sense of authentic calm assists us when we face personal or collective chaos.

Inner peace builds a fortress where we can reside in harmony in spite of discord. We are less likely to be filled with fear for ourselves, loved ones or global conflict. When we remain mindful, we can access our inner core of peace no matter where we are or whatever situations we face. Peace within lessens anxieties and enhances serenity. 

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