Sunday, February 18, 2024

Dreams: Guidance and Insight

"Sometimes, if you have a strong dream at night, when 
you wake up, it affects your emotional state in the morning."
Stephen LaBerge

The first dream of the night is the shortest, lasting only 5 to 10 minutes while other dreams can last as long as 45 to 60 minutes. Some dreamers my have no recollection of their dreams, while others vaguely remember or savor only little snippets of fantasy. It is scientifically proven that dreams unfold every single night for all.

The content of our dreams directly impact our moods and relationships in the waking hours. We can make a significant impact upon our dreamscapes by following simple directions such as: 1.) hold a positive scenario in your mind prior to sleep; 2.) establish a signal form morning recall; and 3.) maintain a Dream Journal.

For seven years, I set a positive intention prior to sleep; wore a ring on my finger (annoying) to trigger instant recall; and kept a morning Dream Journal, recording every incident and feeling from the dreams. Linked together, dreams connected messages throughout the days, weeks and months creating a tool for guidance and insight.

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