Thursday, December 21, 2023

Winter Solstice Beckons

"This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, it's cusp and
midnight, the year's threshold and unlocking, where the
past lets go and becomes the future; the place of caught breath."
Margaret Atwood

The sun is traveling the shortest path in the sky, creating the shortest day and the longest night. This is symbolic of how winter unfolds with less light and lengthy darkness. It is a time to sit within examining, creating, and exploring. It can be an intimate time of revelation  of your body, mind, and soul.

With extended darkness, perhaps we experience longer periods of silence and introspection. Getting lost in expressive music or personal mediation, heightens the winter experience. When snow flurries dance through the air and the snow covers the ground, a sense of new beginnings triggering insight.

In spite of falling temperatures, there remains the need for a brisk walk, to honor nature as it too experiences this change of seasons. Although there is less color, the sturdiness and fortitude of the trees encourages stamina. Winter Solstice is a time to let go of the past, creating room for new seeds of thought to become deeply rooted.

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