Friday, December 22, 2023

What Are You Looking At?

"When you focus on problems, you get more problems.
When you focus on possibilities, you have more opportunities." 
Zig Ziglar

Notice how beautiful life is and take note of both personal and global growth and evolution. See human beings as individuals, rather than masses of population. Each and every person has a pertinent reason for being present on this earth, developing gifts that can be beneficial to lives of all.

When we are faced with mishaps of the self or others, experience them as an opportunity to strengthen compassion. Establish a means, no matter how great or small, to ease the darkness that often prevails. See through the gathering gloominess into the possibility of light becoming illuminated. 

Forgive and forget errors made, using the energy to create a positive goal. Whatever we choose to focus on will expand, so choose vision carefully. When we hold dreams in our consciousness, we will attract means to bring them to fruition. As our vibration increases, we impact our experiences which then implements the energy of others.


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