Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Glow Of Candles


"Believe in yourself, take on your challenges,
dig deep within yourself to conquer fears."
Chantal Sutherland

In December, my space is filled with candles inspiring my body, mind, and soul. The light from the candles help me to focus on the positive while maintaining a peaceful mentality. As the flame flickers, I am reminded of the necessity to move beyond visualization and into action. The steady lights remind me of the strength and endurance residing within me.

Basking in the glow of candles, I find safety in spite of the chaos of life. Pain lessens, and optimism increases, reminding me I am perfectly capable of facing new situations. My eyes become portals for the illuminations to flood inside of me from head to toe. Experiencing this warmth, I am prepared to bring kindness to all people I encounter.

As the light diminishes the dark, I am reminded of the truly enhanced spirits walking upon this earth. There are others who are lighting the way and together, we will make a difference. As our lights shine, fears will be decreased and visions of hope will flourish. Together, we will make this a bright and shining space!

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