Thursday, December 7, 2023

Just Like You!


"You are forgetting that all of these cerebral
people are humans just like you. With hopes 
and dreams, and families and heartache."
Amanda Grieme Bradley

Just recently, I was invited to a gathering where I would not know anyone. The people in attendance would be from a social circle I had not been in for numerous years. I no longer had titles to describe myself and would present without a defined social position. My anxiety hit an all time high fueled by imagined intimidations. 

In this state of mind, old wounds surfaced and I felt myself becoming defensive. Fortunately, I reached out to a therapist who reminded me that I would be surrounded by human beings just like me "with hopes and dreams, and families and heartache." Encouraged to remember we are one in the same, my nerves began to calm down.

Walking into the gathering place, I opened my heart and assured myself that I was extending light to all who had gathered. As I was introduced to others, and listened to their stories, I was delighted to experience a warm space of acceptance. It had been just too easy to forget that we are all the same, just walking each other home!

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