Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Eye Portals


"But if you look into their eyes, you will see 
 them there looking back at you. "
John - Roger

There are unique experiences, where you happen to look into someone's eyes and they are looking right back at you. These eyes suddenly become a doorway, and when you step through, the physical body falls away. You are accompanied by the sense of extreme safety and delight. You arrive in a sacred space where you have definitely been before.

There is an immediate sense of energetic intimacy as you fall into these eyes. You visit other realms, and download extraordinary wisdom while feeling deeply aligned with Spirit. Then you blink your eyes, and find your self back in the physical as though only a second had flashed by.

There is joy when you find these eyes open. Energies generate a spiritual awareness that you, indeed, are one with the Divine. There is only the present moment which is shapeless and mindless. You are bathed in eternal love which provides the greatest understanding you could possibly imagine. In return, you offer reverence to the beholder of these eyes!

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